Schizophrenic Playboys

The Cranberries


She meticulously curls her hair her hair her hair her long blond hair. Applies mascara with the greatest care with care with care the utmost care. She's puts on lipstick and it's scarlet red. She's all ready for the upper hand. Fishnet stockings and a bottle of wine she's fine she's fine she thinks she is fine. Girls you better watch out    Schizophrenic playboys   Scaring of your bed toys Na-na-na-naaaaa Girls you better watch out    Schizophrenic playboys   Scaring of your bed toys Na-na-na-naaaaa Baby baby when you'll come with me with me with me please come with me. I'll take you places that you'd never be to be to be to come with me Driving faster now in his car Now she knows that she has gone too far In the morning she was in his bed his bed his bed her eyes are red. Girls you better watch out    Schizophrenic playboys   Scaring of your bed toys Na-na-na-naaaaa Girls you better watch out    Schizophrenic playboys   Scaring of your bed toys Na-na-na-naaaaa I'm in I'm out I'm in I'm out I'm out I'm in Boys you better watch out   Schizophrenic playgirls   Scaring of your bed pearls Na-na-na-naaaaa Girls you better watch out    Schizophrenic playboys   Scaring of your bed toys Na-na-na-naaaaa

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart C4/G#, D4/Bb, Em, D4/G#, G7, Bm, E, Am
empty heart empty heart Em, Em7, C, G
empty heart empty heart G, D, Am, Em
empty heart empty heart G, C, Am
empty heart empty heart Em, Am7, D, G
empty heart empty heart G, C, D, Am
empty heart empty heart Em, C, G6
empty heart empty heart Am, Em, C, D, G
empty heart empty heart Am, Fmaj7, C, G
empty heart empty heart Am, Em, F
La chanson évoque l'angoisse et la complexité des relations amoureuses, en dressant le portrait d'une jeune femme qui se prépare avec soin pour séduire, tout en étant consciente des dangers qui l'entourent. Elle exprime l'éphémère fascination pour des hommes imprévisibles, appelés "playboys schizophrènes", qui peuvent déstabiliser les certitudes. Dans un contexte plus large, on peut interpréter cela comme une critique des fantasmes de jeunesse et de la superficialité des rencontres dans une société en quête de sensations fortes. Ce contraste entre désir et méfiance montre à quel point ces interactions peuvent être délicates et éphémères.