Do You Know

The Cranberries


(x2) Be here awhile might as well smile Might as well smile I will be strong will carry on    And I'll always hold on to my smile What would you say would you say    that I'm sad For feeling this way? Ow! What would you do if you were in my shoes    In mine? Do you know what I think? Do you know what I think about it about it? I guess you don't know anything You don't know anything about it about it Do you know what I think? Do you know what I think about it about it? I guess you don't know anything You don't know anything about it about it  about it about it (x2) Dust in my eyes I realise    that I'm thinking of you I'll take my car I will go far and I'll be lonely for you What would you say would you say    that I'm sad For feeling this way? Ow! What would you do if you were in my shoes    In mine?? Do you know what I think? Do you know what I think about it about it? I guess you don't know anything You don't know anything about it about it Do you know what I think? Do you know what I think about it about it? I guess you don't know anything You don't know anything about it about it  about it about it (x2)

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart G, C
empty heart empty heart C, Am, Em, F
empty heart empty heart Am, Fmaj7, C, G
empty heart empty heart Em, C, G, D, F#, Em7, e, B, A, E
empty heart empty heart


Em, D, Am, Bm, E
empty heart empty heart Em, G, C, Am
empty heart empty heart F, C, Bb, Dm
Cette chanson évoque des sentiments de solitude et de tristesse, tout en soulignant l'importance de rester positif. L’artiste se questionne sur ce que les autres pensent de son état d'âme et s'interroge sur la façon dont ils réagiraient s'ils étaient à sa place. Il exprime un désir de connexion, de compréhension et de soutien, tout en reconnaissant une certaine mélancolie. La mélodie, à la fois douce et réfléchie, crée un fond propice à l'introspection. On ressent une lutte entre l'envie de sourire malgré les difficultés et le besoin désespéré d'être compris par autrui. C’est un cri du cœur qui mêle vulnérabilité et force intérieure.