Your Mother Should Know

The Beatles


Hou Hou Hou Hou Let's all get up and dance to a song That was a hit before your mother was born Though she was born a long, long time ago Your mother should know          Your mother should know Sing it again Let's all get up and dance to a song That was a hit before your mother was born Though she was born a long, long time ago Your mother should know  Your mother should know Instrumental : Lift up your hearts and sing me a song That was a hit before your mother was born Though she was born a long, long time ago Your mother should know  Your mother should know Your mother should know  Your mother should know                           Sing it again Da da da da da da da da da    da da da da da da da    da da da da Though she was born a long, long time ago Your mother should know    Your mother should know Your mother should know    Your mother should know Your mother should know    Your mother should know

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart G7, C, D7, B7, Em, Am, Bm, G
empty heart empty heart G, Dm7, C, E, Cmaj7, D, Dmaj7, D7, B7, Em
empty heart empty heart E, Dbm, G#m, F#m, B7, B/Eb, A, G#, Db, Bm
empty heart empty heart A, A7, D, E
empty heart empty heart E, A, B, G#m, Dbm
empty heart empty heart E, E7, B, B7, C7, Db7, D7, D, A
empty heart empty heart G, C, D, D7
empty heart empty heart G7, C/G, G, F, C, G7/B
empty heart empty heart Em, B7, A7, C#m, A, B
Cette chanson évoque l'idée de se remémorer des chansons qui ont marqué le passé, bien avant la naissance de notre mère. Elle nous invite à célébrer la musique et à danser sur des airs qui ont eu du succès depuis longtemps. Il y a une sorte de jeu de génération, où l'on se rend compte que certaines choses – comme les plaisirs musicaux – transcendent le temps. Le ton est léger et joyeux, mêlant nostalgie et amusement, tout en créant un lien entre les différentes générations. C'est une façon de rappeler que, même si le temps passe, la musique demeure un élément unificateur qui peut nous rassembler et nous encourager à chanter ensemble.