
The Beatles


Intro : It's been a long time, now I'm  coming back home     I've been away now, oh how I've been alone     Wait  till I come back to your side       We'll forget the tears we've cried But if your heart breaks, don't wait, turn me away And if your heart's strong, hold on, I won't delay Wait till I come back to your side We'll forget the tears we've cried I feel as though you ought to know that I've been good As good as I can be And if you do, I'll trust in you And know that you will wait for me      It's been a long time Now I'm coming back home I've been away now Oh how I've been alone Wait till I come back to your side We'll forget the tears we've cried I feel as though You ought to know That I've been good As good as I can be And if you do I'll trust in you And know that you Will wait for me It's been a long time Now I'm coming back home I've been away now Oh how I've been alone Wait till I come back to your side We'll forget the tears we've cried It's been a long time Now I'm coming back home I've been away now Oh, how I've been alone

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart D, Dm, A, E, F#m, A7/G, G, B, Dm7
empty heart empty heart Em, Am, D, G, A, Eb, E, Gbm, C
empty heart empty heart B7, F#m, A, E, E7, Bm, Bm6, Bm7, Em, Em6, Em7, B5, E5
empty heart empty heart A, G, D, Em, A7
empty heart empty heart D#m, G#m, F#, B, A#7, A#m, Bmaj7, C#m7, D#7
empty heart empty heart G, D7, G7, C, Bm, Em
empty heart empty heart D, G, Bm, E, A, G7
empty heart empty heart Am7, Dm7, G7, C, E7, Am, Dm9, F, G, C/B, C4, Fmaj7, Dm, A, D, B, E, Db, Eb, F#, A7, D7, F/E
empty heart empty heart A, A7, D, E
empty heart empty heart E, A, F#m7, B7, D6, C#m, D, Bm7, E7, F#m, C#m/B, F#7, G#
Cette chanson évoque le retour d'une personne après une longue absence, partageant son sentiment de solitude durant cette période. Elle exprime un désir profond de retrouver l'autre, promettant que, une fois réunis, ils pourront laisser derrière eux les peines et les larmes. Il y a une invitation à la patience, à la confiance, tout en reconnaissant que chacun doit prendre soin de son cœur. Le contexte qui se dessine à travers ces paroles met en lumière les épreuves de l'éloignement et l'importance des liens affectifs. La promesse de revenir et de reconstruire une relation apaisée est centrale, tout en soulignant la fragilité et la force des émotions humaines.