Things We Said Today

The Beatles


You say you will love me If I have to go. You'll be thinking of me Somehow I will know. Someday when I'm lonely Wishing you weren't so far away Then I will re-mem-ber things we said today. You say you'll be mine, girl 'Till the end of time. These days such a kind girl Seems so hard to find. Someday when we're dreaming Deep in love, not a lot to say Then I will re-mem-ber things we said today. Me, I'm just the lucky kind Love to hear you say that love is love And though we may be blind Love is here to stay and and that's e- -Nough to make you mine, girl Be the only one. Love me all the time, girl We'll go on and on. Someday when we're dreaming Deep in love, not a lot to say Then we will re-mem-ber things we said today. Me, I'm just the lucky kind Love to hear you say that love is love And though we may be blind Love is here to stay and that's e- -Nough to make you mine, girl Be the only one. Love me all the time, girl We'll go on and on. Someday when we're dreaming Deep in love, not a lot to say Then we will re-mem-ber things we said today.

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart G, Em, D, Am, Bm
empty heart empty heart Am7, Am6, Em9, Em, Dm, Dm7, A7, C, Am, G, F, G7, Fm7
empty heart empty heart A, G, D, Em, A7
empty heart empty heart A, E, D, B, Gb
empty heart empty heart E, E7, A, D, C, Eb, D/C#, D/C, D/B
empty heart empty heart D6, Em7/D, Em7, A7, Bm7, Dm, C7, Dm7
empty heart empty heart F, F#, G, G7, C, Am, Em, Gm7, C7, Dm, E
empty heart empty heart G, Am, D, Em, C, F, C7
empty heart empty heart C7, F7, G7, C, G
empty heart empty heart A, B, D, A7, Dm, Bm, E
Cette chanson évoque un amour sincère et profond, même à distance. Le narrateur exprime sa conviction que l’autre personne pense à lui et que leur amour pourra traverser le temps et l'éloignement. Il partage des promesses et des espoirs, soulignant que, même quand les mots manquent, les souvenirs des moments passés les uniront toujours. Dans un contexte plus large, on peut ressentir la nostalgie des relations où la simplicité d'une connexion profonde se heurte aux défis de la vie quotidienne. C'est un bel hommage à ces instants précieux qui forgent les liens d'amour.