It's for You

The Beatles


I'd__say__some__day I'm bound to give__my heart__away when I do E | t's | for you--love, true--love Seems to be all__I'm thinking of but it's true It's for you They said that love was a lie Told me that I Never should try to find Somebody who'd be kind Kind to only me So__I just tell them they're right Who wants a fight Tell them I quite agree Nobody'd love me Then I look at you And love__comes love__shows I give my heart__and no one knows that I do It's for you    It's for you They said that love was a lie Told me that I Never should try to find Somebody who'd be kind Kind to only me So__I just tell them they're right Who wants a fight Tell them I quite agree Nobody'd love me Then I look at you And love__comes love__shows I give my heart__and no one knows that I do It's for you    It's for you    It's for you   

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart A, F#m, D, E7, Am, Am/G, Fmaj7, E4, E, G, Bm, C, Am/F#, C#m
empty heart empty heart A, D, E7, Dmaj7, B7/D#, A/C#, Bm7, B7, C, G
empty heart empty heart G, G7, C7, D7, C, D, G9
empty heart empty heart E, G#m, G, Am, C, B7, D7, Bm, F#7
empty heart empty heart E7, A, F#7, Bm7, E, D, Dbm, Bb, A6
empty heart empty heart G, D, C, Am7, Em, C7
empty heart empty heart E, E7, A, D, C, Eb, D/C#, D/C, D/B
Cette chanson parle d'un amour sincère que le narrateur ressent profondément. Malgré les doutes et les avis pessimistes des autres selon lesquels l'amour n'est qu'une illusion, il reste convaincu que l'amour véritable existe. En regardant la personne qu'il aime, il réalise que tout ce qu'il ressent est authentique et désireux de donner son cœur sans réserve. Cela illustre la lutte entre les doutes intérieurs et l'espoir que l'on trouve en aimant vraiment quelqu'un. On comprend que, malgré les épreuves, l’amour est un sentiment précieux et précieux.