If You've Got Troubles

The Beatles


N.C. If you've got trouble then you've got less trouble than me. You say you're worried you can't be as worried as me. You're quite content to be bad With all the advantage you had over me Just cause your troubled then don't bring your troubles to me. I don't think it's funny when you ask for money and thing. Especially when you're standing there wearing diamonds and rings. You think I'm soft in the head Well try someone softer instead pretty thing. It's not so funny when you know what money can bring.    You better leave me alone I don't need a thing from you. You better take yourself home Go and count a ring or two. If you've got trouble then you've got less trouble than me. You say you're worried you can't be as worried as me. You're quite content to be bad With all the advantage you had over me Just cause you're troubled then don't bring your troubles to me. |    |    |    |    |   |   | |    |    |   |   |    |    | You better leave me alone I don't need a thing from you. You better take yourself home Go and count a ring or two. If you've got trouble then you've got less trouble than me. You say you're worried you can't be as worried as me. You're quite content to be bad with all the advantage you had over me. Just cause you're troubled then don't bring your troubles to me. Just cause you're troubled then don't bring your troubles to me.   

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart Em, G, D, A, F#m, A7, Bb
empty heart empty heart G, C, Em, E, A, D
empty heart empty heart A, G, D, Bm, E7
empty heart empty heart E, C#m, A, B, F#m, D
empty heart empty heart A, A/G, A/F#, A/F, F#m, Dm/C, Bb, C, F, G, D
empty heart empty heart Ebm, D, Db, Bbm, Em, A, Gbm, Gm, D9, G, A7, C
empty heart empty heart B, E, C7, B7, G#7, C#7, F#7, E7, A7
empty heart empty heart Db, Bbm, Fm, Ebm7, G#7, F#m, G#, F#
empty heart empty heart D, Bm, A, F#m, Em7, A7, Gm, Em7/A, G/D, G
La chanson évoque le fait que chacun traverse ses propres épreuves, et que les soucis des autres peuvent souvent sembler moins importants en comparaison. L'idée centrale est de ne pas se laisser accabler par les problèmes des autres, surtout quand ils semblent négliger les siennes. Le protagoniste préfère se distancer de cette fardeau et refuse de s'engager dans les préoccupations de quelqu'un qui, de surcroît, dispose de privilèges matériels. On peut imaginer un contexte où une personne, bien habillée et bénéficiant de confort matériel, se plaint de ses soucis, tout en cherchant à tirer profit de la bonté d'autrui. Dans ce cadre, le chanteur exprime son ras-le-bol face à cette attitude, soulignant la nécessité de s'occuper de ses propres problèmes d'abord.