Just for You

Richard Cocciante


I cant stay now and just wait now My hands then grow so impatient Many things I've got to do now for the first rays of the morning Though she dreams in peaceful slumber Sleep to me just doesn't come When she wakes I'll try to tell her everything I have to say And the night so dark inside me makes me finaly understand Where the love that she has given She can light the sky forever It's the way she gives so freely It's the way she takes my hands I Just ask the sun shine brightly got to see her smile again Then I'll sing a song I've writen and I'll make the whole world listen In the silence Just for you Like no one has ever heard And I'll wake up all the lovers And I'll keep then back for hours And well do the things we wanted the way that lovers do Then we'll run into the streets and we'll start to dance like crazy Oh she want only to feel joy in the love she gives and needs And we'll take it time to stop quarrels And We'll paint the street and building Rainbow colours everyone Though she wants Colours to sing And we'll play through field of flowers Make the street alive with spring Make a place where lovers go Fly away like lovers love And we'll fly into the sky and we'll choose into the stars And our stars will tell the whole world The love we have we are The love we share is sweet The love we know is real That lovers now to dream But last a life time long Because you love and like we did Without living all we give And the love that we have given return to us to wind Goes a love from me is not beginning and the end Your love is mine is now for me forever oh na na  na  na Your love for me forever

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart Bm, Bb, D7/A, D7, Gm, A/C#, A4, A, F#m, F, A/E, Dm, E4, E, C#m, C, E/B, E7, Am, B4, B, E/D#, E7/B, D#m, D, F#/C#, F#, C#4, C#, A#m, C#7, F#7, Em
empty heart empty heart Em, Am, D, C, Bm, F#m, E, Cm
empty heart empty heart Am, F, C, G, E, D, Bm, F#
empty heart empty heart Cm, Fm, G7, Em, Em/D, Em/C, Em/B, G#m, G#m/F#, E, Bbm, C, G#m/E, G#m/D#, Cm/Bb, Cm/Ab, Am, Am/G, Am/F, Am/E, E4, Ebm, F#m, Cm/G, G4, C4, C5
empty heart empty heart C, G7/4, G, C4, C7, F, D4, D, G4, F/G, E, Am, D7, E4
empty heart empty heart C, Fmaj7/C, G4, G5, Bb, G, F, Am, A, D, Gmaj7/D, A4, A5
empty heart empty heart Dm, Bb, Gm7, A7, D7, Gm, C7, Bb7, F7, G7, Cm, Eb7, Eb
empty heart empty heart D9, Gm6/D, D, /C, Bm, A, Gm, C7, Fmaj7, Bbmaj7, A7, Dm, Gm7, Gm6
empty heart empty heart C, G, F, D/F#, E/G#, Am, Cm, D, Bb, Eb, Ab
empty heart empty heart Bb2, Bb, F, Gm/Bb, Gm7/Bb, Eb9, Eb, C7, F7, Db, Ab, Bbm/Db, Bbm7/Db, Gb9, Gb, Bbm, Bbm7, Ab7
La chanson évoque l'intense attente et l'impatience d'un amoureux séparé de celle qu'il chérit. Il se ressent piégé par l’obscurité de la nuit, tandis qu'il ne demande qu'à partager ses sentiments au petit matin. La lumière que l’amour de sa bien-aimée procure contraste avec son propre état d’esprit, le poussant à rêver d’un monde coloré et joyeux, où ils vivraient leur amour sans entraves. Dans ce rêve, il souhaite qu'ils puissent exprimer librement leur bonheur, en célébrant leur bonheur dans une nature vibrante et enchanteresse, tout en s'éloignant des querelles du quotidien. C'est une volonté de créer un espace où l'amour peut s'épanouir, à travers des gestes simples et des moments partagés, propices à la passion et à la complicité.