Last Flowers



------------------------------------------------------------------------------                              Last flowers - Radiohead ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tabbed by:      b34r5 Email:           Tuning:         Standard The song is also known as ’Last flowers till the hospital’ ’Cogs’ and ’Glass flowers’ (According to greenplastic). It was written in the days of OK Computer but played acoustic and live by Thom at a trade justice demo earlier this year (which me and a few friends went to.. but missed the performance >:’( It is rumoured to appear on the fourthcoming album. The lyrics are open to interpretation and my version is most definately wrong but Thom will probably change them for the album version if there is one. The chords are almost there though they are picked in the song (almost ala ’no suprises’) so it sounds different. If you do pick you’ll have to play the E#m in an Am shape higher up the fretboard (see E#m2). You’ll then have to slide it up to play the next Gm chord. Timing is very very tricky hence some of the words are spaced out. Also there are some more minor chord alterations I left out because the ammount of chords was just becoming silly. Also my formatting is all wrong as it doesnt really reflect the structure of the song but it does make fitting the chords in easier. Any comments corrections questions or alterations and please drop me a mail or correct on here.                    -Chords used (in no particular order) are- Cadd9        *           Asus4          Asus2        e|-0---0----3----0-----1-----0----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----1----8-| B|-3---1----3----3-----1-----0----3-----4-----2-----1-----0-----1-----3----9-| G|-0---0----3----0-----1-----0----0-----2-----2-----2-----2-----2-----2----10| D|-2---2----5----2-----3-----2----0-----2-----2-----2-----2-----3-----0----10| A|-3---3----5----2-----3-----2----2-----0-----0-----0-----0-----3-----0----8-| E|-0---9----3----0-----1-----0----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0----8-| [Intro] [Verse 1]    Appliances have gone berserk I cannot keep up Treading on people’s tools Snot-nosed little fools And I can’t face the evening straight And you can’t offer me escape Houses live and houses speak If you take me there you’ll get rel  i  e f [Chorus]                     Asus4             Bel i v              bel i v          bel i ve   [Verse] And if im gunna sulk I just wanna talk Please dont interrupt Just sit back and listen Cause I can’t face the evening straight And you can’t offer me escape Houses live and houses speak If you take me there you’ll get rel  i  e f [Chorus]                     Asus4     Bel i v              bel i v                               Asus4                Asus4 Bel i v              bel i v          Bel i ve [Outro]          Cadd9  Em7* It’s too m   u  c  h     A  Asus4 A Asus2 Too bright Too powerful          Cadd9  Em7* It’s too m   u  c  h     A  Asus4 A Asus2 Too bright Too powerful          Cadd9  Em7* It’s too m   u  c  h     A  Asus4 A Asus2 Too bright Too powerful          Cadd9  Em7*  A It’s too m   u  c  h

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart B, B4, G, A, Gm
empty heart empty heart G, Cmaj7/G, Cmaj7, Cm
empty heart empty heart Bm, G, Em, F#m, A
empty heart empty heart Am, F, Dm, E, C
empty heart empty heart C, Bb, F, B, Am
empty heart empty heart Bm, Em, G, A, Am, D, C, Bb
empty heart empty heart Gmaj7, B7, Cmaj9, Cm9
empty heart empty heart C, F, Eb, Eb/D
Cette chanson exprime un sentiment d'angoisse et d'aliénation face à un monde en désordre. Le narrateur se sent dépassé par les événements qui l'entourent et évoque une lutte intérieure pour trouver un répit. Il parle de personnes superficielles et de situations écrasantes, tout en cherchant l'écoute et la compréhension. Écrite à une époque de tourmente sociale, la mélodie et les paroles capturent une fragilité émotive, reflétant les frustrations d'une génération en quête de sens. Ce morceau résonne avec l'idée que, malgré le chaos, il y a un besoin d'authenticité et de connexion humaine.