Father & Son

Patrick Norman


Intro : (x02010) (x02213) (x4) It's not time to make a change, just relax take it easy   you're still young, that's your fault, there's so much you have to know Find a girl, settle down, if you want you can marry   look at me, I am old, but I'm happy                      I was once like you are now, and I know that it's not easy   to be calm when you've found something's going on      But take your time, think a lot, why think of everything you've got here for you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not                                 How can I try to explain, when I do he turns away again it's always been the same, same old story                      From the moment I could talk, I was ordered to listen now there's a way and I know, that I have to go away I know I have to go                                 Instrumental :(x02213)                                It's not time to make a change just sit down, take it slowly you're still young, that's your fault there's so much, you have to go through Find a girl, settle down, if you want you can marry   look at me, I am old but I'm happy                      All the time that I've cried keeping all the things I knew inside it's hard, but it's harder to ignore it                    If they were right, I'd agree, but it's then they know not me   now there's a way, and I know that I have to go away I know that I have to go away                

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart G5, Am, Dm, G, C, /G, E, F, C9
empty heart empty heart Am, E#7, E7, D7, Dm7, Dm
empty heart empty heart G, Em, C/G, D
empty heart empty heart E, B, B7, E7, A, C#
empty heart empty heart A, E, F#m, D, B7, F#7, B, F#, G#m, C#
empty heart empty heart C, E7, A7, D2, D, A/D, A11, Fmaj7, C/G, Dm7, G7, F, A2, A9, E, G, D7, Am
empty heart empty heart C, Cmaj7, G, Dm, C7, F, Fm, Am, Gm
empty heart empty heart Cm, Bm, Am, Gmaj7, A2, D7, G, C/G, D, G7, A7, D7/4
empty heart empty heart C/G, Cmaj7, F, G, Em, Fm
empty heart empty heart D5, D, D4, D2, Bm, A, G, C
La chanson évoque le dialogue intergénérationnel entre un père et son fils. Le père, avec sagesse, conseille son fils de prendre son temps, de ne pas se précipiter vers les changements et les responsabilités de la vie adulte. Il rappelle les défis de la jeunesse, tout en partageant sa propre expérience, soulignant qu'il a également connu des doutes et des peines, mais qu'il a trouvé le bonheur dans la simplicité de la vie. Ce dialogue met en lumière le fossé entre les attentes des parents et les aspirations des jeunes. Le père souhaite que son fils prenne les bonnes décisions et se fixe les bonnes priorités, tandis que le fils ressent le besoin de s'affirmer et de choisir son propre chemin, même si cela signifie éloigner des conseils bienveillants. C'est un reflet poignant des luttes internes et des réconciliations nécessaires lors de ce passage à l'âge adulte.