Up in the sky



Chords used: EADGBe G (3x0033) Fadd9 (xx3213) C (x32010) Cadd6 (x32013) C5 (x3555x) A7/C# (x42020)  can also be played easier as (x456xx) D (x57775) Em (x79987)  Here’s the tab for the riff that is played through all the "G" chords during the verses of the song:  (I’ll call it "Main Riff"): e|----------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------| G|------0-----------0-----0---------------|  (this repeats a bunch of times) D|---------------3---------------3--5-----| A|---------3--5-------------3--5----------| E|---3-----------------3---------------3--| Also there is a little fill played during each "Fadd9" and the "Cadd6" during the verses:           e|--3----3-----3----3-----| B|--1-------1--1-------1--| G|--2----------0----------|  (then back to "main riff") D|--3----------2----------| A|-------------3----------| E|------------------------| Verse 1 ------- NOTE: the above riffs are played by a 2nd guitar while the other guitar plays the below chords Hey you! Up in the sky learning to fly tell me how high Do you think you’ll go   before you start fallin’ Hey you! Up in the tree you wanna be me well that couldn’t be ’cos the people here    they don’t hear you callin’     How does it feel        (w/ main riff) When you’re inside me. Verse 2          ------- same chords and riffs used as verse 1 Hey you! wearing the crown making no sound I heard you feel down Well that’s too bad welcome to my world Hey you! stealing the light I heard that the shine’s gone out of your life Well that’s just too bad welcome to my world     So how does it feel When you’re inside me? Bridge ------   You’ll need assistance with the things that you have never ever seen   It’s just a case of never breathing out Before you’ve breathed it in                    So how does it feel              when you’re inside me e|--0---0--0--0--0---0---0---0-----0---0--0--0--0--0--0--0------------------| B|--2---2--0--2--3---2---0---2-----1---1--0--1--3--1--0--1------------------| G|--0---0--0--0--0---0---0---0-----0---0--0--0--0--0--0--0----------main----| D|--2---2--2--2--2---2---2---2-----2---2--2--2--2--2--2--2----------riff----| A|--4---4--4--4--4---4---4---4-----3---3--3--3--3--3--3--3------------------| E|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| NOTE: the above tab is a combination of the chords played by guitar 1 and the fill played by guitar 2. It sounds cool if you’re only playing with one guitar (that is if you’re not playing with somebody else)  :)   REPEAT VERSE 1 Chorus BRIDGE

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart G, C, D, F#/D, Em, Am
empty heart empty heart D7, C9, G, A, C, B, A4, D, F
empty heart empty heart D, G, C
empty heart empty heart E, A, Dbm, G#m, D
empty heart empty heart A, B7, G, D, E
empty heart empty heart G, F, Am7, E, B, D, A
empty heart empty heart F, G, Bb, C
empty heart empty heart D, Em, Dm, G, C, D7
empty heart empty heart B, A, E, G, Bm, Fm, D, F#m, Em, Am
La chanson évoque un dialogue avec une personne qui aspire à s'élever et à réaliser ses rêves, mais qui fait face à des obstacles et à la solitude. À travers des métaphores comme le ciel et les arbres, on ressent un désir d'évasion et une recherche d'identité, tout en étant confronté à la désillusion qui peut en découler. Les vers parlent également de la difficulté de vivre pleinement ses émotions et de se sentir compris dans un monde où l'on se sent parfois à l'écart. Le contexte se situe dans un univers où le rêve et la réalité s’entremêlent, illustrant les luttes intérieures de nombreuses personnes face à leurs aspirations et à la réalité de leur existence. C'est une réflexion sur le cheminement personnel et les combats que l'on mène pour trouver sa place.