Round Are Way



The paperboy is working before he goes Lying to the teacher he knows he knows He didn’t and he should’ve brought his lines in yesterday        Ernie bangs the sound and the day begins The letter box is open your cash falls in I’ll meet you at the office just before the staff clock in          Chorus: Round are way the birds are singing Round are way the sun shines bright Round are way the birds sing for yer Cos they already know yer Yeah they already know yerrrrrrrrrrrr Little Guitar Solo:                                                                  The game is kicking off in around the park Its twenty five aside and before it’s dark There’s gonna be a loser and you know the next goal wins         Cab it to the front and it’s called a draw Everybody’s knocking on your’s once more Ernie bangs the sound And no one’s spoken since half-past four  da da-da-da  da da Chorus: Round are way the birds are singing Round are way the sun shines bright Round are way the birds sing for yer Cos they already know yer Yeah they already know yer          **Harmonica Solo Chorus: Round are way the birds are singing Round are way the sun shines bright Round are way the birds are singing Round are way it’s alright Round are way the birds sing for yer Cos they already know yer They already know yerrrrrrrrrrr

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart Fmaj7, C, G, Cadd9
empty heart empty heart Dm, Am, F, G, Bb, D, C, D/F#, Em
empty heart empty heart Em7, A4, Cadd9, G, D2, Em
empty heart empty heart D, Am, C, G
empty heart empty heart Em11, Em7, Am7, e, G, D, A, E, Em, C
empty heart empty heart D7, C9, G, A, C, B, A4, D, F
empty heart empty heart A, A4, D, E, C, F, G
empty heart empty heart Dm, Bb, F, A, A4
La chanson évoque le quotidien d'un jeune garçon, jonglant entre des obligations scolaires et des moments de détente avec ses amis. On y retrouve des scènes de vie de quartier, des rencontres simples et des jeux de football dans le parc. Malgré les petites tracas et les mensonges innocents, il y a une atmosphère de camaraderie et de joie. Les oiseaux chantent et le soleil brille, symbolisant la beauté de ces instants partagés et le soutien des proches. C’est une célébration des petits plaisirs de la vie, immergée dans la réalité d'un lieu familier.