Merry X-Mas Everybody



Noel Gallagher - Merry X-Mas Everybody (Holder/Lea) ------------------------------------ Transcribed by ------------------------------------ Chords: A      x02220 Asus2  x02200 Asus4  x02230 Am/C   x3x210 Am/E   0x2210 Bb     x13331 Bm     x24432 C      x32010 D      xx0232 Dsus4  xx0233 Dm     xx0231 Em7    022033 F      133211 G      320033 Intro: | /|  | /|  | Asus4|  | Asus2| Verse 1: Are you hanging up yer stock_ings on_ the wall__          It’s the time that ev’ry San_ta has_ a ball__          Pre-Chorus:                                               Does he ride a red nosed rein_deer      Do a ton upon his sleigh_          Do the fairies keep him sober for a day____ Chorus:                                                So here it is__ merry x_mas  ev-e-ry-body’s having fun_ Look__ to the fu_ture now_  it’s-only just be-gun________ Verse 2:                                Are you waiting for yer fam_’ly to_ arrive__          Are you sure you’ve got the room_ to spare_ in-side__          Pre-Chorus:                        Does yer granny always tell_ ya        That the old songs are the best_          She’d be up and rock and rollin’ with the rest____ Chorus:                                      So here it is__ merry x_mas  ev’ry-body’s having fun_ Look__ to the fu_ture now_  it’s-only just be-gun________ Bridge:                                                What will your Daddy do_ if he catches Nan_na kissing San_ta? Ah-ha_ha________ Verse 3:                                                   Are-you hanging up yer stock_ings on_ the wall__          Are you hoping that the snow_ will start_ to fall__          Pre-Chorus:                                           Do you ride on down the hill_side      In a buggy you have made_          When you end up-on yer arse_ then you’ve been_ slayed____ Chorus/End:                                                    So here it is__ merry x_mas  ev’ry-body’s having fun_ Look__ to the fu_ture now_  it’s-only just be-gun________ So here it is__ merry x_mas  ev’ry-body’s having fun_ Look__ to the fu_ture now_  it’s-only just be-gun________ So here it is__ merry x_mas  ev’ry-body’s having fun_ Look__ to the fu_ture now_  it’s-only just be-gun________________________ Outro:                                 ||  |      Asus4|  ||  |      Asus4| ||  |      Asus4|  ||  |      Asus4| ||  |      Asus4|  ||  |      Asus4| |      Asus4|  |      Asus4|  ||  ||

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart G, D, Am, C, Em, F, Am7
empty heart empty heart D2, Am7, A, F, G, C, Am, Em7, D
empty heart empty heart Em, D, C, C9, Am, G
empty heart empty heart B, Dbm, A, G#m, E, F#
empty heart empty heart D5, G5, F, E7, Ebmaj7, Bb6, D4/A, G5/F, A7/4, A5, C5, Bb5, G#5, F#5, F5, E5, Dm, D, Eb5/D
empty heart empty heart Am7, G, D, Fmaj7, C, C/G, Am, A2, E7, E2
empty heart empty heart D, Am, C, G
empty heart empty heart G, Em7, D2, Em, C, D, Am
empty heart empty heart B, Dbm, F#, E, A
La chanson évoque la magie de Noël, avec des images joyeuses et des traditions festives, comme accrocher des chaussettes et attendre la famille. Elle invite à vivre pleinement l'esprit des fêtes, tout en se concentrant sur le bonheur et l'espoir pour l’avenir. Au fil des couplets, on ressent une chaleur familière et une nostalgie touchante, alors que le narrateur se demande si chacun s'amuse bien lors de cette période si spéciale. C'est un véritable hommage à l'esprit Noël, rempli de joie et de rires.