Piece Of Ground

Miriam Makeba


When the white man first came here from over the seas   He looked and he said this is God’s own country He was mighty well pleased with this land that he’d found And he said I will make here my own piece of ground Now many’s the battle he still had to fight             Many’s the family that died in the night     For many were the black men that lived all around          And all of them wanting their own piece of ground Then one fine day in 1883                               Gold was discovered in good quantity         The country was rich much richer than planned             And each digger wanted his own piece of land     Now the white diggers were few and the gold was so deep That the black man was called ’cause his labor was cheap With drill and with shovel he toiled underground           For six pennies a day to tender the ground       Now this land is so rich and it seems strange to me     That the black man whose labor has helped it to be Cannot enjoy the fruits that abound                        Is uprooted and kicked from his own piece of ground Some people say now don’t you worry                     We’ve kept you a nice piece of reserve territory But how can a life for so many be found                    On a miserable thirty per cent of the ground?    Yet some people say now don’t you worry                You can always find jobs in the white man’s city But don’t stay too long and don’t stay too deep            Or you’re bound to disturb the white man in his sleep White man don’t sleep long and don’t sleep too deep Or your life and your possessions how long will you keep? For I’ve heard a rumor that’s running around That the black man’s demanding his own piece of ground His own piece of ground

Du même artiste :

La chanson évoque l'arrivée des colonisateurs blancs et leur dédain pour les populations noires qui vivent sur cette terre qu'ils considèrent comme leur domaine. Elle raconte l'exploitation des travailleurs africains qui, malgré leur rôle crucial dans l'exploitation des ressources naturelles, sont dépossédés de leurs droits et de leur terre. Ce récit souligne l'injustice historique et sociale, où ceux qui ont cultivé le sol n'en récoltent pas les bénéfices, mais se voient plutôt assignés à des terres réduites et précaires. Le contexte de cette chanson est celui de l'histoire de l'Afrique du Sud, marquée par des luttes territoriales et des inégalités raciales. Elle fait écho aux luttes pour la justice et les droits des personnes marginalisées, un thème toujours pertinent aujourd'hui dans de nombreux endroits à travers le monde.