Tennessee Waltz

Leonard Cohen


| | | | | I was dancin' with my darlin to the Tennessee Waltz When an old friend I happened to see.  Introduced her to my darlin' and while they were dancin' my friend stole my sweetheart from me. I remember the night and the Tennessee Waltz 'cause I know just how much I have lost   Yes I lost my little darlin' the night they were playin' That beautiful Tennessee Waltz Now I wonder how a dance like the Tennessee Waltz Could have broken my heart so complete    Well I couldn't blame my darlin' and who could help fallin' In love with my darlin' so sweet Well it must be the fault of the Tennessee Waltz Wish I'd known just how much it would cost  But I didn't see it commin' it's all over but the cryin' Blame it all on the Tennessee Waltz He goes dancin' in the darkness to the Tennessee Waltz and I feel like I'm falling apart   and it's stronger than drinkin and it's deeper than sorrow this darkness he left in my heart I remember the night and the Tennessee Waltz 'cause I know just how much I have lost   Yes I lost my little darlin' the night they were playin' That beautiful Tennessee Waltz

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart C, F, E, Am, F/C, G
empty heart empty heart Bb, A2, Cmaj7, F, D2, G, C, E, Am
empty heart empty heart A, E, D, Dm, F#, B, Db, F#m
empty heart empty heart D, D7, G, A, Bm, C
empty heart empty heart A, E, D
empty heart empty heart C, G, Em, Am, D, F#m, Bm
empty heart empty heart E, D, C, A
empty heart empty heart A, /A, /B, /C#, D, Bm, G, F#, Bm7
empty heart empty heart A, F#m, G, D, E
La chanson raconte l'histoire d'un homme qui danse avec sa bien-aimée lors d'un bal, quand il croise un vieil ami. Malheureusement, alors qu'ils dansent ensemble, cet ami subtilise son cœur, laissant le narrateur en proie à la douleur et au chagrin. Il se remémore cette nuit où il a perdu sa douce compagne, regrettant à quel point un simple air peut causer tant de souffrance. Le contexte évoqué ici relate une trahison amicale et la fragilité des sentiments amoureux. Le bal, souvent associé à la joie et aux célébrations, devient ici le théâtre d'une perte tragique. Cette dualité entre la danse et la douleur crée une atmosphère mélancolique, un reflet des réalités complexes des relations humaines.