It's Torn

Leonard Cohen


I see you in windows That open so wide There's nothing beyond them And no one inside You kick off your sandals And shake out your hair The salt on your shoulders Like sparks in the air There's silt on your ankles And sand on your feet The river too shallow The ocean too deep You smile at your suffering The sweetest reprieve Why did you leave us? Why did you leave? You kick off your sandals And shake out your hair It's torn where you're dancing It's torn everywhere It's torn on the right And it's torn on the left It's torn in the centre Which few can accept               It's torn where there's beauty It's torn where there's death It's torn where there's mercy But torn somewhat less It's torn in the highest From kingdom to crown The messages fly But the network is down Bruised at the shoulder And cut at the wrist The sea rushes home To its thimble of mist The opposites falter The spirals reverse And Eve must re-enter The sleep of her birth And up through the system The worlds are withdrawn From every dominion The mind stood upon And now that you told her And now that it's done The name has no number Not even the one               Come gather the pieces All scattered and lost The lie in what's holy The light in what's not The story's been written The letter's been sealed You gave me a lily But now it's a field You kick off your sandals And shake out your hair It's torn where you're dancing It's torn everywhere

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart Db, F#, G#, B, F, Bbm, Ebm
empty heart empty heart Bb, A2, Cmaj7, F, D2, G, C, E, Am
empty heart empty heart G, D, C, A, A7, D7, Am
empty heart empty heart Am, F
empty heart empty heart G, C, D, Em
empty heart empty heart Am, F, G, E, C, C/G, D, B, Bb, A
empty heart empty heart Fm, G#, G7, G, C, Am, F, E, Dm, Bb
empty heart empty heart Em, D, Bm, G, A, F#m, E
empty heart empty heart Em, G, Am, C, D
empty heart empty heart G, Bm, Am, D7, Em, C
La chanson évoque une réflexion sur la beauté et la douleur de la vie, en utilisant des images puissantes de la nature et des émotions humaines. Elle parle d'un espace où l'on se sent à la fois libre et en lutte, avec des métaphores sur l'eau, le sable et la solitude. À travers ces métaphores, l'artiste aborde la dualité entre le bonheur et la souffrance, questionnant pourquoi certaines choses sont rompues ou perdues. Le contexte de la chanson pourrait être vu comme un passage à travers des moments de vulnérabilité et d’introspection. Les thèmes de la vie, de la mort et de la beauté sont entrelacés, révélant un univers complexe où la fragilité des expériences humaines se heurte aux réalités de l'existence. C’est un voyage à la recherche de sens dans un monde où tout semble déchiré, mais où l'espoir et la beauté persistent malgré tout.