I Was Never Any Good at Loving You

Leonard Cohen


I was never any good at loving you I was never any good at coming through for you You're going to feel much better When you cut me loose forever I was never any good I was never any good Never any good at loving you I was dying when we met I bet my life on you But you called me and I folded like you knew I'd do You called my ace my king my bluff Okay you win enough's enough I was never any good Never any good I was never any good at loving you I was pretty good at taking out the garbage Pretty good at holding up the wall Dealing with the fire and the earthquake But that don't count that don't count That don't count that don't count That don't count for nothing much at all I was never any good at loving you I was just some kind of tourist in your bed looking at the view But I can't forget where my lips have been Those holy hills that deep ravine I was never any good I was never any good Never any good at loving you I was pretty good at taking out the garbage I was pretty good at holding up the wall I'm sorry for my crimes against the moonlight I didn't think I didn't think I didn't think I didn't think I just didn't think the moon would mind at all I was never any good at loving you At doing what a woman really wants a man to do You're going to feel much better When you cut me loose forever I was never any good Never any good I was never any good at loving you

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart Am, Am/G, F, D, C/E, C, E
empty heart empty heart E, A, B7
empty heart empty heart G, Am, Bm, C, Am7, Em, Dm, A7, D7, E
empty heart empty heart Am, C, E, G, F#m
empty heart empty heart F, D, Gm, C, Am, G#, Dm, F#m, Bm, G, Bb, Db
empty heart empty heart G, Am, Bm, C
empty heart empty heart F, C, Bb, Dm, Am
empty heart empty heart Am, G, C, C7, E7, G4, G5, G7, F, Bb, Dm
empty heart empty heart A, Bm, E, E7, A4, D, Dmaj7, Amaj7, F#m, B, E4
La chanson évoque un sentiment de regret et d'auto-évaluation dans une relation amoureuse. Le narrateur admet qu'il n'a jamais su aimer de la manière dont sa partenaire avait besoin et qu'il se sent comme un imposteur, n'apportant rien de significatif à leur histoire. Il semble conscient de ses échecs et des attentes non comblées, se décrivant même comme un simple observateur de l'amour, incapable d'en saisir l'essence. Le ton cœur de la chanson illustre cette lutte intérieure, entre la réalité des sentiments et la conscience de ne pas être à la hauteur. C'est un dialogue intérieur mêlant vulnérabilité et acceptation, où l'idée de rompre pour le bien de l'autre semble être la conclusion inévitable.