Death of a Ladies Man

Leonard Cohen


(x2) Ah the man she wanted all her life was hanging by a thread "I never even knew how much I wanted you" she said. His muscles they were numbered and his style was obsolete. "Oh baby I have come too late." She knelt beside his feet. "I'll never see a face like yours in years of men to come I'll never see such arms again in wrestling or in love." And all his virtues burning in the smoky Holocaust She took unto herself most everything her lover lost     Now the master of this landscape he was standing at the view with a sparrow of St. Francis that he was preaching to She beckoned to the sentry of his high religious mood She said "I'll make a place between my legs I'll show you solitude." He offered her an orgy in a many mirrored room He promised her protection for the issue of her womb She moved her body hard against a sharpened metal spoon She stopped the bloody rituals of passage to the moon She took his much admired oriental frame of mind and the heart-of-darkness alibi his money hides behind She took his blonde madonna and his monastery wine "This mental space is occupied and everything is mine." He tried to make a final stand beside the railway track She said "The art of longing's over and it's never coming back." She took his tavern parliament his cap his cocky dance She mocked his female fashions and his working-class moustache.     Now the last time that I saw him he was trying hard to get A woman's education but he's not a woman yet And the last time that I saw her she was living with some boy Who gives her soul an empty room and gives her body joy. So the great affair is over but whoever would have guessed It would leave us all so vacant and so deeply unimpressed? It's like our visit to the moon or to that other star I guess you go for nothing if you really want to go that far.            It's like our visit to the moon or to that other star I guess you go for nothing if you really want to go that far. It's like our visit to the moon or to that other star I guess you go for nothing if you really want to go that far.

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart Dm, A7, C, Bb, Gm, A, Eb, F
empty heart empty heart Em, Am, C, G
empty heart empty heart D, G, A, Bm, Gm, E7, A6, G6, A7
empty heart empty heart G, Em7/B, Em7, C9, D, G4, Em, E/G, Bm
empty heart empty heart C, F, G, E, Am, Cm
empty heart empty heart G, C, F, Em, Dm, Am, Bb
empty heart empty heart E, A, B7
empty heart empty heart A, G, F#m7, F13, E, F#m, E7, Bm, Em, D, Dm7, G#, Bm7, C, Db, B7, Dbm7, B
empty heart empty heart F#m, Bm7, C#7, C#m7, D6, Bm, Dmaj7, E6, A6, D, E
Cette chanson évoque les désillusions et les relations amoureuses, mettant en lumière un homme qui se trouve dans une situation précaire, en proie à l'irréversibilité du temps et aux regrets. Une femme, qui a longtemps désiré cet homme, ressent une profonde tristesse en réalisant que leur amour n'est plus ce qu'il était. Elle exprime son chagrin en se consacrant à son souvenir, tout en critiquant les illusions de la passion et les promesses qui ne peuvent être tenues. Le contexte semble faire référence à une époque où les valeurs et les désirs sont remis en question, où l'on oscille entre l'érotisme et la quête spirituelle. On y perçoit également une réflexion sur la vacuité des relations modernes, où la recherche de l'épanouissement personnel peut parfois mener à une solitude plus profonde. Dans ce tableau, les protagonistes semblent chercher un sens, tout en se heurtant aux réalités de leurs choix et de leurs attentes.