Stuck on Find You

Lady GaGa


Verse: Got no plans got no clothes Got no piano we got no shows No I've got nothing to do But to be stuck on you Got no flights outta here Got no TV shows until next year No, I got nothing to do But to be stuck on you Baby you're my liquor I'm addicted to you So I'll just be stuck on Stuck on fuckin' you Stuck on fuckin' you I don't ever want just another boy or a girl Baby you and I Baby you and I could change the world I don't ever want just another boy or a girl to love I'm stuck stuck stuck stuck on you. Got all night, no cameras We've got no champagne but we've got drugs No, I've got nothing to do But to be stuck on you Purple sheets, cymbal clock Going to spend my time rocking on top Yea, I got nothing to do But to be stuck on you Baby, you're my Johnny Walker Baby, it's true So I'll just be stuck on, stuck on fucking you Stuck on fucking you I don't ever want just another boy or a girl Baby, you and I, baby, you and I could change the world I don't ever want just another boy or a girl to love I'm stuck, stuck on you Got no plans, got no flights While we're here, no TV shows But we got mice in the kitchens But we don't care 'cause we're in love Get in the shower I'll meet you there I bought you some hippie shit from the Deli down the stairs, oh yeah Love it when my man smells so good Don't forget me baby Don't forget me when I leave and go on tour 'Cause I know your life would be a snore You'd be all stuck fucking this hooker-whore This hooker, whore Got no nothing You're in the next room You fell asleep on my tour bus while me and Fernando and Paul and Justin and Dave are making music But I miss you The fridge is broke And we're drinking warm champagne But we don't care 'cause we're in Minnesota And we're sold out show again And it's a sold show again Okay, just stop here, I could go on forever

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart D, B, G, E, E7, D6, C, A
empty heart empty heart Fm, Bbm, Db, G#, Eb
empty heart empty heart C, D, Em, C2, D2, B
empty heart empty heart Dbm, E, B, A, G#
empty heart empty heart A, D
empty heart empty heart F, G, Em, Am, Dm, D/F#
empty heart empty heart A, E, D, F#m, Bm
empty heart empty heart F#m, E/G#, E, D, A/E, Db, G#m, F#/Bb, F#, G#5
empty heart empty heart Em, D/F#, Am, F
La chanson évoque une atmosphère de désespoir et de passion intense, où l'artiste se retrouve sans aucun plan, mais se sent comblée par l’amour de l’autre. Elle parle de moments passés ensemble, même sans luxe ou divertissement, suggérant que leur connexion est tout ce qui compte. L'absence de distractions à l'extérieur rend leur relation encore plus significative. La répétition de "être coincé sur toi" illustre cet attachement profond, presque addictif, qui les unit. Le contexte semble être celui d'une vie de tournée, où tout est en désordre et imprévisible, mais l'amour persiste comme un refuge. Même dans des situations banales ou délicates, comme boire du champagne tiède ou partager des instants dans un bus de tournée, leur connexion brille. C'est cette réalité brute, loin des projecteurs, qui renforce leur lien.