Earthquake Then Youd Love Me

Lady GaGa

Ce chant est à 4 accords magiques! Il est montré ici dans la transposition originale: en le jouant avec des capo ou en le transposant, vous pouvez le ramener à Am, F, C, G.


How could you ever let me go? How could you ever ever let me go-oo I scream your name across the bar I carry pictures of your Neil Young guitar guitar I just can't seem to for-get you! Not ever since as long as I left you! Your my baby you Never made it through to you If I was the last girl and you were the last boy Left here on this planet And there was an earthquake Maybe then you'd love Baby then you'd love me If there was an earthquake Last girl and you were the last boy Left here on this planet And there was an earthquake Maybe then you'd love Baby then you'd love me If there was an earthquake How could you ever let me go? How could you ever ever let me go-oo I scream your name across the bar I carry pictures of your Neil Young guitar guitar I just can't seem to for-get you! Not ever since as long as I left you! Your my baby you Never made it through to you If I was the last girl and you were the last boy Left here on this planet And there was an earthquake Maybe then you'd love Baby then you'd love me If there was an earthquake Last girl and you were the last boy Left here on this planet And there was an earthquake Maybe then you'd love Baby then you'd love me If there was an earthquake If I was the last girl and you were the last boy Left here on this planet And there was an earthquake Maybe then you'd love Baby then you'd love me If there was an earthquake Last girl and you were the last boy Left here on this planet And there was an earthquake Maybe then you'd love Baby then you'd love me If there was an earthquake

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart A, E, D, F#m, B, D/B, D/E, A/F#, A/D, D5, Bm7, A4/E, E7, D5/A
empty heart empty heart C, E, Am, G, D, F
empty heart empty heart A, D
empty heart empty heart Em, C, G, D
empty heart empty heart D, A, G, E
empty heart empty heart Am, G, D, F, Dm, Em
empty heart empty heart A, D7, E, F, C
empty heart empty heart Bm, G, Em, D, C
empty heart empty heart Dbm, F#, E, A, Amaj7, Eb5/Bb, E/B, E/G#, B, G#m, Bb
empty heart empty heart E, D, A, B, Dbm, Bm, A/Db, F, C, Bb
La chanson évoque une nostalgie profonde et un sentiment de perte, avec un protagoniste qui lutte pour oublier un amour passé. Elle exprime la question tragique de l’amour inachevé, où malgré la distance et le temps, les souvenirs persistent. Le thème central tourne autour de l'idée que, même dans les circonstances les plus extrêmes, comme une catastrophe naturelle, on pourrait se rendre compte de la valeur d’un amour non réciproque. Dans cette œuvre, on ressent une tension entre l'espoir désespéré et la réalité de l'absence. L’artiste compare ses sentiments à une situation ultime, où, face à l'apocalypse, il reste un mince espoir que l’autre personne puisse finalement reconnaître cet amour. C'est une plongée dans les émotions brutes et complexes qui accompagnent les relations humaines.