Born This Way

Lady GaGa

Ce chant est à 4 accords magiques! Il est montré ici dans la transposition originale: en le jouant avec des capo ou en le transposant, vous pouvez le ramener à Am, F, C, G.


Intro : My mama told me when I was young We are all born superstars She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on In the glass of her boudoir "There’s nothin’wrong with lovin’who you are"  She said "’Cause he made you perfect babe" "So hold your head up girl and you you’ll go far listen to me when I say"  I’m beautiful in my way  ’Cause God makes no mistakes  I’m on the right track baby  I was Born This Way  Don’t hide yourself in regret  Just love yourself and you’re set  I’m on the right track baby  I was Born This Way Ooo there ain’t no other way Baby I was Born This Way Baby I was Born This Way Ooo there ain’t other way Baby I was Born-  I’m on the right track baby  I was Born This Way  Don’t be a drag just be a queen  Don’t be a drag just be a queen  Don’t be a drag just be a queen  Don’t be ! Give yourself prudence  And love your friends Subway kid rejoice your truth In the religion of the insecure  I must be myself respect my youth A different lover is not a sin  Believe capital H-I-M (Hey Hey Hey) I love my life I love this record and  Mi amore vole fe yah  I’m beautiful in my way  ’Cause God makes no mistakes  I’m on the right track baby  I was Born This Way  Don’t hide yourself in regret  Just love yourself and you’re set  I’m on the right track baby  I was Born This Way Ooo there ain’t no other way Baby I was Born This Way Baby I was Born This Way Ooo there ain’t other way Baby I was Born-  I’m on the right track baby  I was Born This Way  Don’t be drag just be a queen  Whether you’re broke or evergreen  You’re black white beige chola descent  You’re lebanese you’re orient  Whether life’s disabilities  Left you outcast bullied or teased  Rejoice and love yourself today  ’Cause baby you were Born This Way  No matter gay straight or bi  Lesbian transgendered life  I’m on the right track baby  I was born to survive  No matter black white or beige  Chola or orient made  I’m on the right track baby  I was born to be brave  I’m beautiful in my way  ’Cause God makes no mistakes  I’m on the right track baby  I was Born This Way  Don’t hide yourself in regret  Just love yourself and you’re set  I’m on the right track baby  I was Born This Way Ooo there ain’t no other way Baby I was Born This Way Baby I was Born This Way Ooo there ain’t other way Baby I was Born-  I’m on the right track baby  I was Born This Way  I was Born This Way hey !  I was Born This Way hey !  I’m on the right track baby  I was Born This Way hey !  I was Born This Way hey !  I was Born This Way hey !  I’m on the right track baby  I was Born This Way hey !   Finale :

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart G, Am, F
empty heart empty heart A, E, D, F#m, Bm
empty heart empty heart Am, G, D, F, Dm, Em
empty heart empty heart F, G, Em, Am, Dm, D/F#
empty heart empty heart D, E, F#m, B, A, Bm
empty heart empty heart F#m, E, D, Dbm, Db, Db5, F#
empty heart empty heart B, F#, G#m, E
empty heart empty heart F, F/A, Dm, Bb, Em, C, C4, Am, Gm
empty heart empty heart F, Am, Dm, C, G, Gm, Bb
empty heart empty heart G#, Eb, Db, Cm, Fm
Cette chanson célèbre l'acceptation de soi et la diversité. Elle encourage chacun à s'aimer tel qu'il est, en affirmant que nous avons tous été créés parfaits par Dieu. Le message central est de ne pas se cacher derrière des regrets, mais de se montrer fier de son identité, quelle qu'elle soit. Peu importe nos différences, que nous soyons gay, hétéro, noir, blanc ou de toute autre origine, il est essentiel de se célébrer et de vivre pleinement qui nous sommes. Dans un monde souvent marqué par l'insécurité et les jugements, elle rappelle que la véritable force réside dans l'authenticité et l'amour de soi. C'est un hymne à la fierté et à l'individualité, incitant chacun à se lever et à briller sans avoir peur d'être soi-même.