Bad Kids

Lady GaGa


We don't care what people say we know the truth Enough is enough of this horse shit I am not a freak I was born with my freedom. Don't tell me I'm less than my freedom. I'm a bitch I'm a loser baby maybe I should quit I'm a jerk wish I had the money but I can't find work I'm a brat I'm a selfish punk I really should be smacked My parents tried until they got divorced ?cuz I ruined their lives I'm a bad kid and I will survive Oh I'm a bad kid don't know wrong from right I'm a bad kid and this is my life One of the bad kids don't know wrong from right (This is my life) Don't be insecure if your heart is pure You're still good to me if you're a bad kid baby Don't be insecure if your heart is pure You're still good to me if you're a bad kid baby A bad kid baby (Don't be insecure) I'm a twit degenerate young rebel and I'm proud of it Pump your fist if you would rather mess up than put up with this I'm a nerd I chew gum and smoke in your face I'm absurd I'm so bad and I don't give a damn I love it when you're mad When you're mad when you're mad. I'm a bad kid and I will survive Oh I'm a bad kid don't know wrong from right I'm a bad kid and this is my life One of the bad kids don't know wrong from right (This is my life) Don't be insecure if your heart is pure You're still good to me if you're a bad kid baby Don't be insecure if your heart is pure You're still good to me if you're a bad kid baby A bad kid baby (Don't be insecure) I'm not that typical baby I'm a bad kid like my mom and dad made me I'm not that cool and you hate me I'm a bad kid that's the way that they made me I'm a bad kid I'm disastrous Give me your money or I'll hold my breath I'm a bad kid and I will survive One of the bad kids don't know wrong from right Don't be insecure if your heart is pure You're still good to me if you're a bad kid baby Don't be insecure if your heart is pure You're still good to me if you're a bad kid baby A bad kid baby A bad kid baby A bad kid baby A bad kid baby

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart C, D, Am, Em, G
empty heart empty heart Dm, C, Bb, Gm, F, G#, Eb, Ebm, Am
empty heart empty heart D, A, G, Em, F#, Bm, Em7
empty heart empty heart F#m, E/G#, E, D, A/E, Db, G#m, F#/Bb, F#, G#5
empty heart empty heart F, F/A, Dm, Bb, Em, C, C4, Am, Gm
empty heart empty heart Em, D/F#, Am, F
empty heart empty heart Am, G, F, E, C, E7, Dm, C/B
empty heart empty heart A6, E, B, F#m, A, Am
empty heart empty heart F#m, A, E, Dbm
empty heart empty heart D, A, B, G
La chanson exprime un sentiment de rébellion et d'affirmation de soi face aux jugements des autres. L'artiste se décrit comme quelqu'un d'authentique, qui refuse de se conformer aux attentes sociétales. Elle met en avant le fait d'accepter sa vraie nature, même si cela signifie être perçu comme un "mauvais enfant". Ce message de fierté, malgré les imperfections et les erreurs, résonne avec ceux qui se sentent à l'écart ou incompris. Dans le contexte de notre société, on peut ressentir une pression constante à être parfait et à suivre les normes. Cependant, la chanson souligne l'importance d'être fidèle à soi-même et de reconnaître que même ceux qui sont considérés comme "mauvais" peuvent avoir un cœur pur. C'est un appel à célébrer notre individualité, plutôt qu'à se laisser submerger par la culpabilité ou l'insécurité.