Watching the Wheels

John Lennon


People say I'm crazy, doing what I'm doing    Well they give me all kinds of warnings, to save me from ruin When I say that I'm o.k. well they look at me kind of strange Surely you're not happy now you no longer play the game   People say I'm lazy, dreaming my life away   Well, they give me all kinds of advice, designed to enlighten me When I tell them that I'm doing fine watching shadows on the wall Don't you miss the big time boy you're no longer on the ball? I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round I really love to watch them roll No longer riding on the merry-go-round I just had to let it go Ah, people asking questions, lost in confusion Well I tell them there's no problem, only solutions Well they shake their heads and they look at me, as if I've lost my mind I told them there's no hurry, I'm just sitting here doing time I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round I really love to watch them roll No longer riding on the merry-go-round I just had to let it go             I just had to let it go             I just had to let it go             I just had to...let it go

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart A, A2, D, D6, E, G, C
empty heart empty heart G, C, D7, C7, Eb, G7, D
empty heart empty heart E, E/Eb, E7, A, A/G#, F#m, B, D, G#, Dbm, G, F#m7
empty heart empty heart B, D, E, E7
empty heart empty heart G, D7, F#, C, Em, D
empty heart empty heart C, Cmaj7, F, Am, Dm, G, G7, E7
empty heart empty heart Em, B, E, G#m, C#m, A, F#m, C, Am6, C#
empty heart empty heart E, G#, Dbm, A, Am, G, F#m, D, B
empty heart empty heart C, F, Dm, G, Am, D, G7, B, Em
Cette chanson évoque le sentiment de solitude face aux attentes des autres et à la pression sociale. Le narrateur se sent en paix en vivant sa vie de manière authentique, même si cela surprend ceux qui l'entourent. Il parle de sa satisfaction à observer le monde autour de lui, plutôt que de participer à la frénésie de la vie moderne. Beaucoup le jugent paresseux, mais il sait qu'il a simplement choisi de ne plus jouer un jeu qui ne le satisfait plus. Dans un contexte plus large, cela reflète les luttes internes que beaucoup de gens ressentent lorsqu'ils cherchent à s'éloigner des normes imposées par la société. Le besoin de simplifier sa vie et de trouver la paix intérieure est un message fort ici, particulièrement pertinent dans notre monde souvent agité.