Tight A$

John Lennon


Intro Well just as tight as you can make it Hard and slow ain’t hard enough Just as tight as you can shake it girl Git it on and do your stuff Tight as you can get it Tight as got it made Uptight’s alright but if ya can’t stand the heat You better get back in the shade Well just as tight as an Indian rope trick Long and tough ain’t hard enough Just as tight as a dope fiend’s fix my friend Git it up and do your stuff Tight as you can boogie Tight as got it made Uptight’s alright but if ya can’t stand the heat You better get back in the shade well   Alright       Alright hooo ooohooo Well tight as you can make it Hard and slow ain’t hard enough Just as tight as you can shake it girl Git it on and do your stuff Tight as you can get it Tight as got it made Uptight’s alright but if ya can’t stand the heat You better get back in the shade Well tight as an Indian rope trick Hard and long ain’t hard enough Just as tight as a dope fiend’s fix my friend Git it up and do your stuff Tight as you can boogie Tight as got it made Uptight’s alright but if ya can’t stand the heat You better get back in the shade well (      ) Well tight as got me cornered Tight as got me laid Tight as strut your stuff so tough Just a sittinâ?? in the midnight shade Tight as she can boogie Tight as she got it made Uptight’s alright but if ya can’t stand the heat You better get back in the shade well   Woah wooo ohhhh Final     

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart A, A2, D, D6, E, G, C
empty heart empty heart C, Cmaj7, F, Am, Dm, G, G7, E7
empty heart empty heart G, A, D, Bb, Bm, F#, Cadd9, C, F#7, F#/Bb, F, E, B7, Em, G/D, D/F#, Bm/A, B
empty heart empty heart G, D, C, G7, D7
empty heart empty heart D, E7, G, Bm, F#7, A7, Gm, D7, Db7, C7, B7, Bm7, G7
empty heart empty heart E, A, B, G
empty heart empty heart C, F, Dm, G, Am, D, G7, B, Em
empty heart empty heart Am, C/G, F7, E7
empty heart empty heart E, B, C, Em, F7, E7, D7, G7, Em9, A7, Gm7
Cette chanson évoque l'idée de vivre intensément et pleinement, avec une énergie presque palpable. Les paroles parlent de la nécessité de rester déterminé et de donner le meilleur de soi-même, tout en reconnaissant que parfois, il vaut mieux se retirer si l’on ne peut pas gérer la pression. Le texte mêle des métaphores suggestives, traduisant une envie de se surpasser et de s'amuser, tout en prenant conscience des limites de chacun. Dans le contexte des années 70, les thèmes de liberté et d’authenticité résonnent particulièrement, alors que la société connaît d'importants bouleversements. La chanson capture cette recherche d'expression personnelle, entre la quête de sensations fortes et la nécessité de prendre du recul lorsque les choses deviennent trop difficiles à gérer.