So Real

Jeff Buckley


***Please Note: Outro (First Pattern) leads directly into Outro (Second Pattern).*** "So Real" Music & Lyrics by Jeff Buckley From the album Grace (1994) [Intro]      N.C. B|---9s13--13--13------------|----------------------| G|--10s14--14--14---14--14---|------------14--------| D|---0--0---0---0---15--15---|--14---12---12---12---| A|-------------------0---0---|--12---12---12---13---| |---------------------------|----------------------| |---------------------------------|------------------------------------------| G|--------------12--------------14-|------------------------------------------| D|--12--12--12--12--12--12--12--12-|--12--12--12--12--------------------------| A|--12--12--12--12--12--12--12--12-|--12--12--12--12--12-----------12---------| E|---------------------------------|--------------13--13--12h13-13-13--13-13--| [Verse 1]        Edim                          Em e|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| B|-----11--11--11--11--11--11--11--|-12--12--12--12--12--12--12--12--| G|------9---9---9---9---9---9---9--|--9---9---9---9---9---9---9---9--| D|------9---9---9---9---9---9---9--|--9---9---9---9---9---9---9---9--| A|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| E|--0------------------------------|---------------------------------|     /              /                                / e|---------------------------------------3-------8--8--8--8----7-----| B|------12--12--12-------7--7--7---------3-------8--8--8--8----7-----| G|------11--11--11-------6--6--6---------0-------0--0--0--0----0-----| D|------12--12--12-------7--7--7-------------------------------------| A|-------------------------------------------------------------------| E|--10----------------5-------------3------------8-------------7-----| [Verse 1] Love let me sleep tonight on your couch                               And remember the smell of the fabric of your simple city dress                              [Chorus]                                    e|------------------------------|---5--5--5---5--5--5--5--5------| B|--10-----10-----10-----10-----|---5--5--5---5--5--5--5--5------| G|--9------9------9------9------|---5--5--5---5--5--5--5--5------| D|--7------7------7------7------|---4--4--4---4--4--4--4--4------| A|------------------------------|---5--5--5---5--5--5--5--5------| E|------8------8------8------8--|--------------------------------| [Chorus] Oh... that was so real Oh... that was so real Oh... that was so real                                          [Verse 2] We walked around til the moon got full like a plate                              The wind blew an invocation and I fell asleep at the gate                              And I never stepped on the cracks cause I thought I’d hurt my mother                              And I couldn’t awake from the nightmare that sucked me in and pulled me under         Pulled me under      [Chorus] Oh... that was so real Oh... that was so real Oh... that was so real   [Bridge] N.C.        Edim  -  Em I love you but I’m afraid to love you                              I love you but I’m afraid to love you         I’m afraid... [Chorus] Oh... that was so real Oh... that was so real Oh... that was so real [Outro]     A7sus2            m7b5           G6sus2               B|----0--------0----------0---------0------3---3--3--|--7--7----------------8p7--------------------| G|----0--------0----------0---------0------2---2--2--|--6--6------7---9p7---7-7---7----------------| D|----0--------2----------2----------------0---0--0--|--0--0------0---0-0---0-0---0----------------| A|----0--------2----------4--------------------------|---------------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------3------3---3--3--|--7-----7---7---7-7---7-7---7----------------|                                                         B|--3---3-3-3---3-3---3-3-3/5-5-5---|--3---3-3-3---3-3---3-3-3/5-5-5----------| G|--3---3-3-3---3-3---3-3-3/5-5-5---|--3---3-3-3---3-3---3-3-3/5-5-5----------| D|--0---0-0-0---0-0---0-0-0-0-0-0---|--0---0-0-0---0-0---0-0-0-0-0-0----------| E|--3---3-3-3---3-3---3-3-3/5-5-5---|--3---3-3-3---3-3---3-3-3/5-5-5----------| [Outro] Oh... that was so    reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal Oh... that was so    reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealll Oh... that was so reaaaaaaaaaaaaaal Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh   Oh... that was so   reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaal Real REAL      Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllll Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh   Oh... that was so   reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaal Ohhhhhhhh yeah! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh   Oh... that was so   reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart A, Bm, Dbm, E7, C, Dm, Em
empty heart empty heart F#, G, G#, C#
empty heart empty heart Em, C, D, Cmaj7, G, Gmaj7, F#m, Am, Bm, Dm, A, Bb, F, Gm, E
empty heart empty heart D, C, Em, G, F#, Bm, Gm, A, F
empty heart empty heart D, Am, Bm, G, C, Em, A, F#
empty heart empty heart D, Am7, C, G, Am, Cmaj7
empty heart empty heart Gm, Eb, D7, Cm, C, D4, D, G, G7, Dm, Am7
empty heart empty heart Dm, E, G#, Bm, F#, Em7, G13, F, C, E7, G, E5, Cm9, Cm, G#7, Bb7, Em
empty heart empty heart Gm, Cm, D, Gm7, Eb, D7, G, Am, C, E, B
empty heart empty heart G, Em, C, D, B7
La chanson évoque des souvenirs d’un amour intime et réconfortant, où le protagoniste se remémore des moments partagés sur un canapé, en appréciant les détails simples comme l'odeur du tissu d'une robe. Elle parle de cette nostalgie, de ces instants fugaces et précieux que l’on souhaite chérir, tout en ayant peur de s'engager pleinement dans cette relation. Le récit transporte l'auditeur à travers des images poétiques d'une nuit pleine de promesses, où les émotions oscillent entre la tendresse et l'appréhension. Au fil des notes, on perçoit cette dualité, ce désir d'aimer tout en craignant la vulnérabilité que cela implique. Les paroles rappellent que l'amour, avec sa beauté et ses complexités, reste à la fois un cadeau et une source d'effroi.