What's She Really Like

Elvis Presley


... What's she really like..the girl that you see me with? What's she really like..the one I'm so dreamy with? Well let me tell you she's wonderful.. she's marvelous and she's mine. Talk about her lips her lips are so thrillable. I can't describe her kiss in words of one syllable. She's even more than adorable..and what's moreable she's all mine.  You're asking if she loves me..well you don't know the half. You're wondering if she'll leave me.. ha ha ha..don't make me laugh. What's she really like..the girl I go on about? What's she really like..the one I'm so mad about. All I can say she's wonderful..she's marvelous and she's mine. You're asking if she loves me..well you don't know the half. You're wondering if she'll leave me.. ha ha ha..don't make me laugh. What's she really like..the girl I go on about? What's she really like..the one I'm so gone about. All I can say she's wonderful..she's marvelous and she's mine. Adorable and she's mine.. Marvelous and she's mine.. Wonderful..and..she's..mine..

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart E, B7, E7, A, F#, B
empty heart empty heart C, Dm, Em, F, Bb7, Cmaj7, A, Dm7, G, Cm, Fm
empty heart empty heart D, Am, Dm, Em, C, C7, F, G, Cmaj7, A
empty heart empty heart D, B, A, E, Em7, Ebm, Bm, C
empty heart empty heart C, F, G, Gm, B
empty heart empty heart F, Bb, C
empty heart empty heart G, D, Gm, Em, A7, D7
empty heart empty heart Eb, Cm, Fm, Bb, Eb7, G#, G#m, F
La chanson parle d'un homme qui exprime son admiration et son affection pour la femme qu'il aime. Il la décrit comme étant incroyable, unique et totalement à lui, exprimant avec enthousiasme sa beauté et la profondeur de leur lien. Il se moque même de ceux qui doutent de l'amour qu'elle lui porte, affirmant avec assurance qu'elle ne pourrait jamais le quitter. Le contexte de cette chanson se situe dans l'univers romantique des années 50, où les sentiments sont mis en avant et la passion amoureuse est dépeinte avec simplicité et tendresse. Elle reflète bien l'idéal de l'amour sincère et exalté, caractéristique de l'époque.