Too Much Monkey Business

Elvis Presley


Salesman talking to me tried to run me up a creek Says you can buy it go on try it you can pay me next week Uh-uh too much monkey business too much monkey business Too much monkey business for me to be involved in Oh-ho-ho Blonde haired good looking trying to get me hooked Wants me to marry settle down and get a home and and write a book Uh-uh too much monkey business too much monkey business Too much monkey business for me to be involved in  Oh-ho-ho Pay phone something wrong dial gone Well me ought to sue the operator for telling me a tale Uh-uh too much monkey business too much monkey business Too much monkey business for me to be involved in Oh-ho-ho Oh-ho-ho  Oh-ho-ho  Oh-ho-ho  Oh-ho-ho Oh-ho-ho  Oh-ho-ho  Oh-ho-ho  Oh-ho-ho Oh-ho-ho  Been to Vietnam been a fighting in the war Army bar army chow army clothes army car Uh-uh too much monkey business too much monkey business Too much monkey business for me to be involved in Oh-ho-ho Working in the filling station too many tasks Wipe the window check the tires check the oil dollar gas Uh-uh too much monkey business too much monkey business Too much monkey business for me to be involved in Oh-ho-ho Blonde haired good looking trying to get me hooked Wants me to marry settle down and get a home and and write a book Uh-uh too much monkey business too much monkey business Too much monkey business for me to be involved in  Oh-ho-ho    Too much monkey business Oh-ho-ho too much monkey business Oh-ho-ho Too much monkey business Oh-ho-ho too much monkey business Oh-ho-ho Too much monkey business Oh-ho-ho too much monkey business Oh-ho-ho

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart Am, E7, F6
empty heart empty heart Dbm, F#, B, E, F, G, C
empty heart empty heart D, F#, G, C/D, C, A, Em, A7, F#m, F/D
empty heart empty heart Eb, G#, Bb, Bb7, Gm7, Cm, Fm, F, Cm7, Gm
empty heart empty heart B, C, F, G, G7
empty heart empty heart G, D, D7, G7, C, F#, E, A, A7, E7
empty heart empty heart G, C, D7, A7
empty heart empty heart F, D, G, C, Bb, A7, Dm, G7, C7, D7
empty heart empty heart D, G, A, A7
Dans cette chanson, le narrateur exprime son agacement face à une multitude de situations compliquées et à des attentes qui pèsent sur lui. Il se sent submergé par des propositions démoralisantes, qu'il s'agisse de la vente, de l'engagement dans une relation ou des pressions liées à son travail. C'est une sorte de rejet de la routine et des devoirs qui l’entourent, le faisant désirer une vie plus simple et sans complications. Le cadre de la chanson semble refléter une époque où les jeunes hommes faisaient face à des choix difficiles entre le devoir et la liberté, illustré par des références aux forces armées et aux relations amoureuses. À travers son ton léger et ses répétitions, il souligne un fort désir d'échapper à tout ce qu'il considère comme "des bêtises", tout en cherchant à rester fidèle à lui-même.