Seeing Is Believing

Elvis Presley


spotify:track:45ZTEgTp1g0gSBUejv01qu Lyrics and Music: Red West and Glen Spreen Year: 1972 Producer: Felton Jarvis Worked out for danvaughan1 [Intro]         [Verse 1] Every time I see the sun rise or a mountain that’s so high just by seeing is believing I don’t need   to question why.         [Verse 2] When I see a mighty ocean that rushes to the shore if I ever had cause to doubt Him I don’t doubt Him   anymore.          [Chorus] Oh seeing seeing seeing is believing and I see him everywhere: in the mountains in the valley yes I know my God is there. [Verse 3] Oh in time I look above me see the stars that fill the sky. How could there be any question? Only God   can reach that high.         [Interlude]                                            [Chorus] Oh seeing seeing seeing is believing and I see him everywhere: in the mountains in the valley yes I know my God is there. [Outro 1] Oh in time I look above me see the stars that fill the sky. How could there be any question? [Outro 2] (Repeat and Fade Out) Only God   can reach that high.        

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart D, B, A, E, Em7, Ebm, Bm, C
empty heart empty heart C, G, F, C7, Am, D7, G7, Fmaj7, Bm, Em, Am7
empty heart empty heart C, G7, G, Em, D, Am7, D7
empty heart empty heart G, D7, C, Em, A7, G7
empty heart empty heart D, Bm, G, A7, A, Fm
empty heart empty heart Am, A, Am7, Dm, B7, D, F, E7, A5, Bm7, Em, E, A7, D7, G7
empty heart empty heart C, D7, G, F, C7, F7, D7/F#
empty heart empty heart G, C, A7, D7
Cette chanson évoque la force de la foi à travers les merveilles de la nature. L’artiste exprime que chaque lever de soleil, chaque montagne ou océan témoigne de la présence de Dieu. En observant ces beautés, il trouve des certitudes sur Sa grandeur et Son amour, dissipant ainsi tout doute qu'il aurait pu avoir. Les étoiles dans le ciel rappellent que seul Dieu peut atteindre de tels sommets, renforçant ainsi cette conviction que Sa main est à l'œuvre dans tout ce qui nous entoure. C'est une douce célébration de la révélation divine à travers le monde naturel.