Raised On Rock

Elvis Presley


I remember as a child I used to hear Music that they played Lord with a feel’ Some call it folk some call it soul People let me tell you it was rock and roll I was raised on rock I got rhythm in my soul Every day when I got home I turned on my radi-o-o-o-o-o Listening to the music that my idols made I knew every single record the DJ’s played A honky tonk a Hound Dog a Johnny B. Goode Chain Gang Love Is Strange Knock On Wood I was raised on rock I got rhythm in my soul I was born to love the beat I was made for rock and roll I thought it was a fad thought that it would pass But the younger generation knew it would last Time’s gone by the beat goes on But every time I hear it Lord it takes me home I was raised on rock I got rhythm in my soul Every day when I got home I turned on my radio Mother played recordings of Beethoven’s Fifth Mozart’s sonatas down the classical Liszt My papa loved to listen to his country songs While I was in the back room rockin’ on I was raised on rock I got rhythm in my soul I was born to love the beat I was made for rock and roll I was raised on rock I got rhythm in my soul I was born to love the beat I was made for rock and roll I was raised on rock I got rhythm in my soul

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart C, Dm7, G, Fm, Em, Am, D7, Dm, G7, E, D, F, F#7, B7, Cm, a
empty heart empty heart G, D, C
empty heart empty heart D, C, Bm, G, F#m, A, D7, E, A7
empty heart empty heart G#, B, Bb, A, Fm, Bbm, Eb, Db, F#, C, E, Gm7, F#m, D, G, F, Bm
empty heart empty heart C, G7, C7, F, Fm, Am, D7
empty heart empty heart Bb, Dm, Eb, F, B, Em7, C, G, Am7, A, D, Em
empty heart empty heart F, A, Am, D, A5, Dm, G, E, D7, A7, E7, C
empty heart empty heart D, G, A, B
empty heart empty heart Db, F#, G#, Fm, Bbm, A
empty heart empty heart Bb, Bb/A, Gm, F, Eb, Dm, Cm, F7, Bb7
Cette chanson est un hommage à l'influence profonde du rock sur une vie, évoquant des souvenirs d'enfance où la musique jouait un rôle central. Elle parle d'un jeune qui grandit avec des mélodies qui résonnent en lui, que ce soit du rock, du folk ou même des classiques, montrant que chaque style a sa place dans son cœur. Il se remémore les soirées passées à écouter ses artistes préférés à la radio, découvrant peu à peu son propre amour pour le rythme et la musique. Dans un contexte plus large, cette création s'inscrit dans une époque où le rock and roll a révolutionné la scène musicale, permettant aux générations de s'exprimer et de se rassembler autour d'une passion commune. Le morceau rappelle aussi que, bien que les modes passent, la vraie musique reste ancrée dans les âmes et continue de nous ramener à nos racines.