Ive Got Confidence

Elvis Presley


[Intro] [Verse 1] When trouble is in my way I can’t tell the night from day I toss from side to side Like a ship on a raging tide I don’t worry and I don’t fret God has never failed me yet Trouble’s coming from time to time But that’s all right Cause I’m not the worrying kind [Chorus] Because I I’ve got confidence God is gonna see me through No matter what the case may be I know he’s gonna fix it for me [Chorus] Because I I’ve got confidence God is gonna see me through No matter what the case may be I know he’s gonna fix it for me [Verse 2] Job was so sick so long Till the flesh fell from his bones His wife cattle and children Everything that he had was gone   But Job he never despaired He knew that God still cared   Sleepless days and sleepless nights Job said "Honey that’s all right" [Chorus] Because I I’ve got confidence God is gonna see me through No matter what the case may be I know he’s gonna fix it for me [Chorus] Because I I’ve got confidence God is gonna see me through No matter what the case may be I know he’s gonna fix it for me [Verse 3] Some folks wonder how I smile Even though I’m going to trial How can I have a song Everything is going wrong I don’t worry and I don’t fret God has never failed me yet Trouble’s coming from time to time That’s all right I’m not the worrying kind [Chorus] Because I I’ve got confidence God is gonna see me through No matter what the case may be I know he’s gonna fix it for me [Chorus] Because I I’ve got confidence God is gonna see me through No matter what the case may be I know he’s gonna fix it for me [Chorus] Because I I’ve got confidence God is gonna see me through No matter what the case may be I know he’s gonna fix it for me

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart C, F, G, Em, Dm, Am, E, G#, D, Fm
empty heart empty heart F, F7, Bb, Bbm, C
empty heart empty heart F, Dm, Bb, C, Bbm
empty heart empty heart A, A4, Amaj7, D, E
empty heart empty heart C6, G, F, G7, C, Bb, A7, Am, Am7, D7, G6, Cmaj7, G4, G2, Dm, Dm7, Dm6, Cadd9, C7, Fm6, C/E, G#6, Db, Dbmaj7, Db6, G#4, G#, G#2, Ebm, Ebm7, Ebm6, Dbadd9, Db7, F#, F#m6, Bb7, Db/F, Bb9
empty heart empty heart F, C, G7, G, Em, C7, Dm, Bm
empty heart empty heart F, Am, Bb, Gm, G7, C7, C9
empty heart empty heart Am7, D7, Gmaj7, Gm7, C7, Fmaj7, B7, Em, Em7, Bm7, E7
empty heart empty heart B7, Bb7, E, A, F#
empty heart empty heart G, D7, G7, C, Em/B, Am, C/G, C7, F, E7/G#, Dm7, F6
Cette chanson parle de la confiance en Dieu face aux épreuves de la vie. L'artiste évoque les moments de difficultés et de doutes, mais affirme avec assurance que, peu importe les circonstances, il se sent soutenu par la foi. Il prend l'exemple de Job, qui, malgré sa souffrance et ses pertes, reste ferme dans sa croyance que Dieu ne l'abandonnera jamais. En somme, c'est un message d'espoir et de sérénité, montrant que, même quand tout semble sombre, la foi peut apporter du réconfort et de la force.