
Elvis Presley


When everyone thought the world was flat Columbus said "It's round". He went down in history And America was found. Cause he had confidence a little thing called confidence. There's no job too immense when you've got; confidence. With a "C" and an "O" and an "N" and an "F" And an "I" and a "D" and an "ENCE". Put them all together and what have you got? Confidence. You'll be surprised what you can do if you will only try Remember the tortoise and the hare who had that famous race. The speedy hare wound up nowhere And slow poke took first place. Cause he had confidence a little thing called confidence. There's no job too immense when you've got; confidence. You'll be surprised what you can do if you will only try. (Tacet) How do you know that you can't ride a rainbow in the sky? You'll be surprised what you can do if you will only try. All you need is confidence a little thing called confidence. There's no job too immense when you've got; confidence. With a "C" and an "O" and a "N" and a "F" And a "I" and a "D" and a "ENCE". Put them all together and what have you got? Confi confi confidence.

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart G, C, Am, G7, a, C7, Fmaj7, Em
empty heart empty heart C, Am, Fmaj7, Em, Dm, D, G
empty heart empty heart D, C, G, A, d, a, Em, Bm
empty heart empty heart Am, A, Am7, Dm, B7, D, F, E7, A5, Bm7, Em, E, A7, D7, G7
empty heart empty heart C, G7, G, Em, D, Am7, D7
empty heart empty heart E, A, B7, F#m7, A7
empty heart empty heart G, D, D7, G7, C, F#, E, A, A7, E7
Cette chanson évoque l'importance de la confiance en soi pour surmonter les obstacles et réaliser ses rêves. À travers des exemples historiques et littéraires, comme celui de Christophe Colomb ou du conte de la tortue et du lièvre, elle souligne que même les plus grandes tâches peuvent être accomplies si l'on croit en soi. La répétition du mot "confiance" sert à renforcer ce message, rappelant que cette qualité est essentielle pour réussir dans la vie. En résumé, la chanson nous encourage à oser essayer et à ne pas sous-estimer notre potentiel.