Clean Up Your Own Backyard

Elvis Presley


Back porch preacher preaching at me Acting like he wrote the golden rules Shaking his fist and speeching at me Shouting from his soap box like a fool Come Sunday morning he's lying in bed With his eye all red with the wine in his head Wishing he was dead when he oughta be Heading for Sunday school Clean up your own backyard Oh don't you hand me none of your lines Clean up your own backyard You tend to your business I?ll tend to mine Drugstore cowboy criticizing Acting like he's better than you and me Standing on the sidewalk supervising Telling everybody how they ought to be Come closing time 'most every night He locks up tight and out go the lights And he ducks out of sight and he cheats on his wife With his employee Clean up your own backyard Oh don't you hand me none of your lines Clean up your own backyard You tend to your business I?ll tend to mine Armchair quarterback's always moanin' Second guessing people all day long Pushing fooling and hanging on in Always messing where they don't belong When you get right down to the nitty-gritty Isn't it a pity that in this big city Not a one a'little bitty man'll admit He could have been a little bit wrong Clean up your own backyard Oh don't you hand me don't you hand me none of your lines Clean up your own backyard You tend to your business I?ll tend to mine Clean up your own backyard You tend to your business I?ll tend to mine

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart G, D, G7, C, C7, D7, A, A7
empty heart empty heart E, A, B, E7, F#
empty heart empty heart F#, B, Db, G#
empty heart empty heart C, Am, F, G7, G, C7, D
empty heart empty heart C, Am, F, Fm, G, Dm7, G7, Em, Bb
empty heart empty heart G, D7, C, A7
empty heart empty heart C, Am, Dm, G, C7, Fmaj7, Em, D7, G6
empty heart empty heart D, A7, D7, G, D4, C, G7, C7, F, F7
La chanson aborde le thème de l'hypocrisie et de la critique. Elle dépeint des personnages qui se permettent de juger les autres tout en ayant leurs propres défauts et problèmes personnels. Par exemple, le prédicateur qui prêche des valeurs morales, mais dont la conduite n'est pas à la hauteur de ses sermons. L’idée centrale est de rappeler à chacun de se concentrer sur ses propres actions et de ne pas s'immiscer dans la vie des autres. Dans un monde où chacun semble avoir son mot à dire sur les autres, il souligne l'importance de la réflexion personnelle et de l’auto-critique. En somme, avant de juger autrui, mieux vaut balayer devant sa propre porte.