C'Mon Everybody

Elvis Presley


Intro : Come on everybody and snap your fingers now Come on everybody clap your hands real loud Come on everybody take a real deep breath And repeat after me I love my baby (love my baby) I love my baby (love my baby) Hey, hey, hey and my baby loves me (my baby loves me) Come on everybody and whistle this tune right now Come on everybody and stomp your feet real loud Come on everybody take a real deep breath And repeat after me I love my baby (love my baby) I love my baby (love my baby) Hey, hey, hey and my baby loves me (my baby loves me) Well there ain't nothing wrong with the long-haired music Like Brahms, Beethoven and Bach Well I was raised with a guitar in my hand And I was born to rock Well, come on everybody and turn your head to the left Come on everybody and turn your head to the right Come on everybody take a real deep breath And repeat after me I love my baby (love my baby) I love my baby (love my baby) Hey, hey, hey and my baby loves me (my baby loves me) Well there ain't nothing wrong with the long-haired music Like Brahms, Beethoven and Bach Well I was raised with a guitar in my hand And I was born to rock Well, come on everybody and turn your head to the left Come on everybody and turn your head to the right Come on everybody take a real deep breath And repeat after me I love my baby (love my baby) I love my baby (love my baby) Hey, hey, hey and my baby loves me (my baby loves me) My baby loves me (my baby loves me) My baby loves me (my baby loves me) My baby loves me I say that my baby, I say my baby loves me.                        

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart Eb, Bb, G#, Gm, Cm, Fm, Db
empty heart empty heart C, G, C7, F, D, G7
empty heart empty heart D, D7, A, G, G7, E
empty heart empty heart C, Am, F, G, Em, Dm, C7, D
empty heart empty heart C, G7, F
empty heart empty heart C, Am, F, Fm, G, Dm7, G7, Em, Bb
empty heart empty heart C, G7, C7, F, Fm, Am, D7
empty heart empty heart Am, G, F, am, a, C, E7, E, A, D, F#m, B7, Em, B
Cette chanson invite tout le monde à se rassembler et à célébrer l’amour de manière joyeuse et rythmée. Elle encourage à exprimer son affection pour sa partenaire, tout en se laissant emporter par la musique. Les paroles évoquent une ambiance festive où chacun participe en applaudissant, en tournant la tête et en chantant à l'unisson. Le contexte de la chanson est celui d'une époque où la musique rock'n'roll émergeait avec force, mêlant des influences classiques aux sons entraînants d'une guitare. C'est un appel à la joie collective, où le plaisir et la simplicité du moment font écho à des émotions profondes et sincères.