Visiting Hours

Ed Sheeran


I wish that heaven Had visiting hours So I just could show up And bring good news That she’s getting older And I wish that you’d met her The things that she’ll learn from me I got them all from you Can we just talk a while And we’ll put all the world to rights? The little ones will grow And I’ll still drink your favourite wine And soon they’re going to close But I’ll see you another day So much has changed since you’ve been away (      ) Well I wish that heaven Had visiting hours So I could just swing by And ask your advice What would you do in my situation? I haven’t a clue how I’d even raise them What would you do? ’Cause you always knew what’s right Can we just talk a while Until my worries disappear? I’d tell you that I’m scared Of turning out a failure He’d say: Remember that the answer’s In the love that we create So much has changed since you’ve been away (          ) (          ) (      ) I wish that heaven Had visiting hours And I would ask them If I could take you home But I know what they’d say That it’s for the best So I would live life the way you told me And make it on my own And I will close the door But I will open up my heart And everyone I love will know Exactly who you are ’Cause this is not goodbye It is just till we meet again So much has changed since you’ve been away Final     

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart Am, F, G, Em, C
empty heart empty heart G, Em, C, Am, D
empty heart empty heart G, C, Bm, D
empty heart empty heart A, E, F#m, D, Dm
empty heart empty heart C, Em, F, Am, G, Dm7, Dm
empty heart empty heart G, Cmaj7, Em, Em7, D, Bm, C
empty heart empty heart G, C2, D, Em7
empty heart empty heart G, Em, C, D, D/F#
empty heart empty heart G, D/F#, Em, C, D, D/A
La chanson évoque un profond désir de retrouver un être cher disparu. L'auteur exprime le souhait que le ciel offre des moments de visite, où il pourrait partager des nouvelles, demander des conseils et discuter des joies et des peurs de la vie. Il se remémore les leçons apprises de cette personne bien-aimée tout en faisant face aux défis de l'existence, comme l'éducation des enfants. Le contexte reflète une lutte émotionnelle entre le souvenir et le quotidien, soulignant l'importance de l'amour et des liens tissés, même au-delà de la mort. Au final, il laisse entrevoir une lueur d'espoir, affirmant que ce n'est pas un adieu, mais un au revoir jusqu'à ce qu'ils se retrouvent.