Last Good Time in Town



I like to go out every now and then I can't wait to do it again But I haven't had the time  lately I like to step out every once in a while  I kind of like to do it in style  I haven't had the time  lately Lately I've been staying at home (Staying at home staying at home) Working the crosswords turn off the phone (turn off the phone turn off the phone) And I dream I'm on vacation cause I like the way that sounds It's the perfect occupation for me I don't mind being by myself if there's no one else around It's the last good time  in town                                Well I could stand up straight get a real job  Stay out late with the same old mob But it hasn't crossed my mind  lately Put on a suit work downtown Moon come up and the sun go down No I haven't had the time  lately Lately I've been staying at home (Staying at home staying at home) Closing the curtains play jazz on trombone (Jazz on trombone jazz on trombone) And I dream I'm on vacation Though you won't see me around It's a perfect situation for me I don't mind being by myself cause I know you'll come on down It's the last good time  in town                                 Lately I've been staying at home (Staying at home staying at home) Working the crosswords turn off the phone (turn off the phone turn off the phone) And I dream I'm on vacation cause I like the way that sounds It's the perfect occupation for me I don't mind being by myself if if you don't see me around It's the last good time  in town                                                                

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart E, F#m, B, A, G#4, G#7, C#m, F#, B7, F#7, Am7, C, D, G, D7, Em7, Abm7
empty heart empty heart G, G7, C, Cm, Em7, A7, D7, B7, D, Em, Bm, Am7
empty heart empty heart G, D, C, Bb, F
empty heart empty heart Bm7, A/B, F#m7, Dmaj7, Gmaj7, F#7/4, F#7, Bm, G
empty heart empty heart A, G, D, Dm7, F#m, B, E, F, C
empty heart empty heart G, G/F#, Em, G7, C, A, D/F#, B7, Bm, C/B, Am, D, Am7, D9, E
empty heart empty heart Em, Bm, A, E5, D, G
empty heart empty heart D, G, D/F#, A, A4, Bm, F#m/A, D2, Em, Em/G
empty heart empty heart Dbm, B, Bm, A, A6, E, Dm, B/Eb, E7, Bm7, D6, G, C, D
La chanson évoque le désir de sortir et de profiter de la vie, mais aussi l'absence de temps pour le faire. Le personnage semble apprécier les moments passés seul chez lui, où il se plonge dans des activités tranquilles comme des mots croisés et écoute de la musique. Malgré la tentation de se joindre à des soirées ou de mener une vie plus active, il préfère s'accorder des moments de paix et de rêverie, imaginant une escapade qui lui permettrait de se ressourcer. Ce contraste entre l'envie de s'amuser et le besoin de solitude souligne une quête d'évasion tout en étant bien établie dans son quotidien. Cette ambiance de fin de soirée semble renvoyer à une certaine nostalgie, une dernière occasion de savourer le temps avant de se plonger dans une routine bien connue, laissant son imagination vagabonder vers des horizons plus excitants.