I Shot the Sheriff

Bob Marley


I shot the sherif But I didn't shoot the deputy  Oh No No I shot the sherif But I didn't shoot the deputy  Oh No No All around in my hometown They trying to track me down They say they wanna bring me in guilty For the killing of a deputy    For the life of a deputy,    but I say À l'unisson : I shot the sherif, but I swear it was in self-defense I shot the sherif, and they say it is a capital offense Sheriff john Brown always hated me, for what, I don't know Every time I plant a seed, he say kill it before it grow He say kill them before they grow and so... I shot the sherif, but I swear it was in self-defense I shot the sherif, and they say it is a capital offense Freedom came my way one day, and I started out of town, yeah all of a sudden I see sherif John Brown, aiming to shoot me down So I shot, I shot, I shot him down and I say (If I am guilty I will pay) I shot the sherif But I didn't shoot the deputy Oh No No I shot the sherif But I didn't shoot the deputy Oh No No Reflexes had the better of me, but what is to be must be Every day the bucket a-go-a-well, one day the bottom have a dropout one day the bottom have a dropout, so I say... I shot the sherif But I didn't shoot the deputy Oh No No I shot the sherif But I didn't shoot the deputy Oh No No

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart Em, D, Am, C, G
empty heart empty heart Bm, D, G, Em, F#m, A
empty heart empty heart C, D, B, G, E, Em, Bm, Am, e, A
empty heart empty heart C, Am, Dm, G
empty heart empty heart G, C, D, D4, Bm, Am
empty heart empty heart Eb, Bb7, Eb7, G#
empty heart empty heart G, C, D
empty heart empty heart G, C, G/B, Am7, F, Am, Fm
empty heart empty heart Am, Dm, Em
empty heart empty heart F, Bb, C5
La chanson raconte l'histoire d'un homme qui avoue avoir blessé le shérif, mais affirme qu'il agissait en légitime défense. Il se retrouve poursuivi dans sa ville natale, accusé d'un crime qu'il n'est pas certain d'avoir commis. Le protagoniste explique que le shérif avait toujours eu des ressentiments envers lui, cherchant à l'empêcher de prospérer. Dans un tournant tragique, il se défend contre une attaque, ce qui entraîne l'incident. Le message évoque des thèmes de survie et de lutte contre l'oppression, soulignant les conséquences d'un acte désespéré dans un contexte de tension sociale.