When He Returns

Bob Dylan


---------------------------------------------------------------------------           When He Returns - Bob Dylan --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by: Bob Dylan From: “Slow Train Coming” (1979) Tabbed by: maguri Tuning: Standard Originally a piano gospel-ballad this is my reading for guitar accompaniment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- capo: 1st fret play: G key: Ab / G# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TURNAROUND   1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + e|0-----------0---| B|1---3---1---1---| G|2---4---2---0---| D|0-----------0---| A|----------------| E|----------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHORDS Many of the D chords in the verses can also be played as D7. C/G   3-x-2-0-1-0 G/D   x-x-0-0-0-x G/B   x-2-0-0-0-x G/F#  2-x-0-0-0-x --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Intro] | / | / | / | / | [Verse 1] The iron hand it ain’t no match For the iron rod        The strongest wall will crumble and fall To a mighty God              For all those who have eyes and all those who have ears It is only He who can reduce me to tears        Don’t you cry and don’t you die And don’t you burn       Like a thief in the night He’ll replace wrong with right When He returns     (TURNAROUND) [Verse 2] Truth is an arrow and the gate is narrow That it passes through        He unleashed His power at an unknown hour That no one knew            How long can I listen to the lies of prejudice? How long can I stay drunk on fear out in the wilderness?       Can I cast it aside all this loyalty and this pride? Will I ever learn       That there’ll be no peace   that the war won’t cease Until He returns?                [Verse 3] Surrender your crown on this blood-stained ground Take off your mask         He sees your deeds He knows your needs Even before you ask                How long can you falsify and deny what is real? How long can you hate yourself for the weakness you conceal?               Of every earthly plan that be known to man He is unconcerned       He’s got plans of His own to set up His throne   When-a He returns        [Outro]  (fade out)   

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart E, A, D, G, B, e, C
empty heart empty heart G, C, D, A
empty heart empty heart C, F, G, G6, G7
empty heart empty heart G, C, e, A, D
empty heart empty heart Dm9, Em, F, C, G7, Am
empty heart empty heart E, A, B, G#m, F#m, Dbm, G#7
empty heart empty heart Am, G, Dm
empty heart empty heart G, C, C/G, A
La chanson évoque un retour divin qui mettra fin aux injustices et aux souffrances de ce monde. Elle parle de la fragilité des structures humaines face à la puissance de Dieu et souligne l'idée que la vérité prévaudra un jour sur les mensonges et les préjugés. Au fil des vers, il est question de lâcher prise sur l'orgueil et la peur, et d'accepter l'amour et la guidance divine. Écrite dans un contexte où l'on ressent un besoin de rédemption et de réparation, les paroles semblent refléter une quête de paix intérieure et de vérité. L’artiste appelle à une réflexion sur nos actions et nos croyances, tout en présentant la promesse d'un changement à venir, lorsque ce retour tant attendu se réalisera.