Two Soldiers

Bob Dylan

Ce chant est à 4 accords magiques! Il est montré ici dans la transposition originale: en le jouant avec des capo ou en le transposant, vous pouvez le ramener à Am, F, C, G.


[Intro]     X 2    [Verse 1] He was just a blue-eyed Boston boy His voice was low with pain. I’ll do your bidding comrade mine If I ride back again. But if you ride back and I am left You’ll do as much for me. Mother you know must hear the news So write to her tenderly. [Break]    She’s waiting at home like a patient saint Her fond face pale with woe. Her heart will be broken when I am gone I’ll see her soon I know Just then the order came to charge For an instant hand touched hand They said "Aye" and away they rode That brave and devoted band. [Break]    [Verse 3] Straight was the track to the top of the hill The rebels they shot and shelled. Plowed furrows of death through the toilling ranks And guarded them as they fell There soon came a horrible dying yell From heights that they could not gain And those that doom and death had spared Rode slowly back again. [Break]    [Verse 4] But among the dead that were left on the hill Was the boy with the curly hair The tall dark man that rode by his side Lay dead beside him there There’s no one to write to the blue-eyed girl The words that her lover had said Momma you know awaits the news And she’ll only know he’s dead. [Outro]     X 2   

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart D, A/Db, Bm, E, A
empty heart empty heart E7, F#, G, G#, A7, E, A, C7
empty heart empty heart G, Am, C, D, Em7
empty heart empty heart C, G/B, Fmaj7, F, Dm, Am, C/G, G, Em, F/G, Bb, G11
empty heart empty heart A, D7, E7
empty heart empty heart C, C/E, F, D7/F#, Dm7/G, Am, Am/G, C/G, F/G, D, G
empty heart empty heart G, Am, D
La chanson raconte l'histoire touchante d'un jeune soldat aux yeux clairs, qui se prépare à partir au combat, conscient des risques qu'il encourt. Avant de partir, il fait promettre à son camarade de veiller sur lui, en pensant à sa mère qui attendra des nouvelles, innocente du danger. Le récit dépeint la brutalité de la guerre, révélant la douleur et la perte, alors que les soldats avancent malgré l'horreur qui les entoure. Malheureusement, le protagoniste trouve son sort tragique, laissant sa bien-aimée et sa mère dans l'angoisse, sans aucune nouvelle de son sort. C'est un poignant reflet des sacrifices et des implications émotionnelles des conflits, transformant l'héroïsme en tragédie.