To Fall In Love With You

Bob Dylan


Bob Dylan - To Fall In Love With You    This is in the key of B. Capo 4 makes for easier chords. If you tune your guitar down a half step you can play without a capo using another easy set of chords . (Just hit the transpose up button +5 on UG to change the chords here). Except for the sequence the -chords are just brief transitions to the next chord. Much simpler to learn if you think of it as x2 x2 . Strum pattern shown is just rough guide. Play the ’s for that last u--u. You can already be leaving on the last up. Many of the words are hard to make out. He wasn’t finished figuring them out so don’t worry too much about it. Go with what seems right to you - make it better!   Tabbed by --Art Capo 4 (key of B) [Intro] (You can briefly hit D before each G in the intro) [Verse 1] A tear goes down my day is real Put your drying eye upon the same Each needs a road for me from you What paradise? What can I do? That die for my and the day is dark I can’t believe for him to touch What I could find oh time is right If I fell in love to fall in love To fall in love with you.    [Verse 2] The day is dark our time is right Day in the night deep in the night I can’t yet be back I heard my-a surprise I see it in your lips I knew it in your eyes Well I feel your love and I feel no shame I can’t unleash your heart I call your name What you’re to me what can I do? To fall in love to fall in love To fall in love with you.    [Verse 3] It just rolls upon the sand Ever this for now I’m made a man Can make you see what I can find I know it in my days ah in my daily mind Oh will ages roll will ages fly? I hear your name where angels lie. What do I know? For to come it’s true. To fall in love to fall in love To fall in love with you.    [Verse 4] How can the doors trust on a nail? How can I be surprised of most every day? In the distant road I can’t be the same I feel no love I feel no shame I can not watch the bay out on my unknown we’ve a destined man I can attest it all I didn’t know I could find where I could go To fall in love to fall in love To fall in love with you.    [Outro] (~same)                                                    

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart A, D, G#m, A/G, F#m, Bm, C#m, Bm7, E, G, F#m7
empty heart empty heart F, Am, Dm, C, Bb
empty heart empty heart D/F#, G, G7, C, A
empty heart empty heart A, D, G, F#, Bm
empty heart empty heart F, G, C, Am, G6, G7, B, E, D
empty heart empty heart Em, A, C, B7, B4
empty heart empty heart G, Bm, Am, D, Em, C
empty heart empty heart Am, Em, F, C, B, G, E, Dm, A, a
Cette chanson évoque les tourments et les joies liés à l’amour, où l'âme se trouve plongée dans des réflexions sur le désir et les sentiments profonds. L’amour est décrit comme une force qui peut être à la fois une source de lumière et d’obscurité, avec des images de larmes, de routes à parcourir et de rencontres émotionnelles. Les moments de doute et de quête de sens se mêlent à des instants de révélation et de confiance en ce que l’on ressent pour l'autre. L’artiste y exprime un besoin de connexion authentique avec l’être aimé, dans un contexte où le temps et l’espace semblent jouer un rôle essentiel. On y sent aussi une lutte intérieure pour comprendre et accepter ses propres émotions face à cette relation si précieuse. La mélodie et les paroles se combinent pour créer une atmosphère faite d’intimité et de vulnérabilité.