Talkin New York

Bob Dylan


Talkin New York All Music and Lyrics By Bob Dylan Chorded By Russ Stone . . . . . . . . / . . . . Rambling out of the wild west Leaving the towns I love the best Thought I’d seen some ups and downs ’Till I come into New York town         People going down to the ground   Buildings going up to the sky.      . / . . / .// Wintertime in New York town The wind blowing snow around Walk around with nowhere to go Somebody could freeze right to the bone I froze right to the bone         New York Times said it was the coldest winter in seventeen years I didn’t feel so cold then. I swung on to my old guitar Grabbed hold of a subway car And after a rocking reeling rolling ride I landed up on the downtown side: Greenwich Village. I walked down there and ended up In one of them coffee-houses on the block Got on the stage to sing and play Man there said: "Come back some other day You sound like a hillbilly We want folksingers here. Well I got a harmonica job begun to play Blowing my lungs out for a dollar a day I blowed inside out and upside down The man there said he loved my sound He was raving about he loved my sound Dollar a day’s worth. After weeks and weeks of hanging around I finally got a job in New York town In a bigger place bigger money too Even joined the Union and paid my dues. Now a very great man once said That some people rob you with a fountain pen It don’t take too long to find out Just what he was talking about          A lot of people don’t have much food on their table But they got a lot of forks and knives And they gotta cut something. So one morning when the sun was warm I rambled out of New York town Pulled my cap down over my eyes And heated out for the western skies So long New York Howdy East Orange

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart Bm7, Am7, G, D, C, Bm, D7, F#
empty heart empty heart C, F, Em, G
empty heart empty heart G, C, C/G, A
empty heart empty heart D, A, F, d, G, B, g, E, e, C
empty heart empty heart G, C, F, Bb, G7
La chanson raconte le parcours d'un jeune homme qui quitte les paysages du Far West pour découvrir la vie urbaine à New York. Il évoque ses impressions sur la ville, mettant en avant les contrastes entre l'effervescence des gratte-ciels et la froideur de l'hiver. Alors qu'il cherche sa place, il fait face aux préjugés et à la difficulté de se faire entendre dans un monde qui semble inhospitalier. Avec sa guitare et son harmonica, il se bat pour trouver un emploi musical, prenant conscience des inégalités sociales. Finalement, après quelques semaines d'errance et de musique, il décide de repartir vers l'Ouest, laissant derrière lui cette vaste ville. Dans ce contexte, on perçoit la lutte artistique, la quête d'identité et les défis de la vie dans une métropole américaine dans les années 60, un reflet de l’esprit d’époque en pleine mutation.