Rambling, Gambling Willie

Bob Dylan

Ce chant est à 4 accords magiques! Il est montré ici dans la transposition originale: en le jouant avec des capo ou en le transposant, vous pouvez le ramener à Am, F, C, G.


Come round you rovin gamblers there’s a story I will tell  About the greatest gambler you all should know him well  His name was Willie O’Connelly and he gambled all his life  He’s had 27 children yet he’s never had a wife  And it’s ride Willie ride roll Willie roll  Where ever you’re a gamblin’now nobody knows                 Well he gambled in the white house and in the railroad yards  Where ever there was people there was Willie and his cards  He had the reputation as the gamblinest man around      Wives would keep their husbands home when Willie came town  Sailin down the Mississippi to a town called New Orleans  They’re still talkin about that card game on that Jackson Queen  I’ve come to win some money gamblin Willie says        When the game finally ended up the whole darn boat was his  Up in the Rocky Mountains in a town called Cripple Creek  There was an old poker game lasted about a week      900 miners had laid their money down                    When Willie finally left the room he owned the whole darn town.  (Instrumental)  Well Willie had a heart of gold and this I know is true  He supported all his children and all their mothers too  He wore no wings and fancy things that other gamblers wore  He spread his money far and wide to help the sick and poor  When you played your cards with Willie you never really knew  Whether he was bluffin or whether he was true        He won a fortune from a man who folded in his chair     The man he left a diamond flush Willie didn’t even have a pair  It was late one evening during a poker game            A man lost all his money said Willie was to blame    He shot poor Willie through the head which was a tragic fate  Willie’s cards fell on the floor they were aces backed with eights  So all you ramblin gamblers where ever you might be    The moral of the story is very plain to see          Make your money while you can before you have to stop  Cause when you pull that dead man’s hand your gamblin days are up.

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart Am, G, C, F, E
empty heart empty heart C, F, Fmaj7, G, E
empty heart empty heart A, D, E
empty heart empty heart G, C, Em, D, Bm, B, Am
empty heart empty heart F#, Bm, A, E, D, F
empty heart empty heart C, F, F/E, C/G, F/A, G7, Fmaj7
empty heart empty heart Em, A, C, B7, B4
empty heart empty heart F, Am, Dm, C, Bb
empty heart empty heart C, G, G7, b, a, g, C7, F
La chanson raconte l'histoire de Willie O'Connelly, un parieur légendaire qui a joué toute sa vie sans jamais se marier, malgré ses 27 enfants. Il était connu pour sa capacité à gagner aux jeux de cartes, souvent présent dans des lieux animés comme la Maison Blanche ou à bord de bateaux sur le Mississippi. Malgré son côté flambeur et sa réputation, Willie avait un grand cœur et soutenait les mères de ses enfants ainsi que les plus démunis. L'intrigue prend un tournant tragique lorsqu'il est tué lors d'une partie de poker à cause d'une accusation de tricherie. Ce qui est frappant dans son histoire, c'est le contraste entre sa bravoure au jeu et sa bienveillance envers les autres, rappellant à tous les joueurs que la vie peut basculer en un instant. La chanson évoque ainsi les leçons que l’on peut tirer du jeu, entre chance et destin.