Pay In Blood

Bob Dylan


SONG:   PAY IN BLOOD ARTIST: BOB DYLAN ALBUM:  TEMPEST TAB BY: DON CZARSKI EMAIL:                       PAY IN BLOOD                      BOB  DYLAN CAPO 1st FRET INTRO:     VERSE: Well I’m grinding my life out steady and sure Nothing more wretched then what I must endure I’m drenched in the light that shines from the sun I could stone you to death for the wrongs that you done Sooner or later you make a mistake I’ll put you in a chain that you never will break Legs and arms and body and bone I pay in blood but not my own     VERSE: Night after night Day after day They strip your useless hopes away The more I take the more I give The more I die the more I live I got something in my pocket make your eyeballs swim I got dogs could tear you limb from limb I’m circlin’ around the Southern Zone I pay in blood but not my own     ======================= NOTE: THE ENTIRE SONG FROM HERE UNTIL THE END IS PLAYED       EXACTLY THE SAME AS ABOVE.                                                         ======================= VERSE:                      Low cards are what I’ve got But I’ll play this hand whether I like it or not I’m sworn to uphold the laws of God You could put me out in front of a firing squad        I’ve been out and around with the rising men Just like you my handsome friend My head’s so hard must be made of stone I pay in blood but not my own     VERSE:                      Another politician coming out the abyss Another angry beggar blowing you a kiss You got the same eyes that your mother does If only you could prove who your father was        Someone must of slipped a drug in yer wine You gulped it down and you cross the line Man can’t live by bread alone I pay in blood but not my own     VERSE:                      How I made it back home nobody knows Or how I survived so many blows I’ve been thru Hell What good did it do? You bastard! I’m suppose to respect you!        I’ll give you justice I’ll fathom your purse Show me your moral that you reversed Hear me holler and hear me moan I pay in blood but not my own     VERSE:                      You get your lover in the bed Come here I’ll break your lousy head Our nation must be saved and freed You’ve been accused of murder how do you plead?        This is how I spend my days I came to bury not to raise I’ll drink my fill and sleep alone I pay in blood but not my own     OUTRO:         ...FADE OUT

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart E, A, D, G, B, e, Am, Dm, Dm7, D5, C, F, Em7
empty heart empty heart Am, D7, Em, G, a
empty heart empty heart C, G, F
empty heart empty heart A/E, E, A, A4, B, Bb
empty heart empty heart Am, Dm, F
empty heart empty heart C, G6, F, G
empty heart empty heart Dm, Em, G9, C, F
La chanson évoque un parcours de lutte et de souffrance, où l'on ressent un profond désespoir face à des injustices et des trahisons. L'interprète partage son expérience de résilience, tout en soulignant un poids de sacrifice personnel qui n'est pas le sien. Il parle d'un monde où les espoirs sont constamment anéantis et où la violence des relations humaines laisse des traces profondes. Le ton est sombre, presque désillusionné, et on perçoit un sentiment d'abandon face à la corruption et aux mensonges. Dans ce contexte, l'artiste semble s'interroger sur les valeurs morales de la société et la volonté de justice, tout en témoignant d'une lutte intérieure intense. Cette atmosphère est révélatrice des défis que chacun peut rencontrer dans sa quête de sens et de vérité.