Lenny Bruce

Bob Dylan


Lenny Bruce is dead but his spirit's livin' on and on Never did get any Golden Globe award never made it to Sy-na-non            He was an outlaw that's for sure   More of an outlaw than yo--u ever were            Lenny Bruce is gone but his spirit's livin' on and on Maybe he had some problems maybe some things that he couldn't work out But he sure was funny and he sure told the truth and he knew what he was talkin' about  Never robbed any churches nor cut off any babies' heads He just took the folks in high places and he shined a light in their beds        He's on some other shore he didn't wanna live anymore                                                                  Lenny Bruce is dead but he didn't commit any crime He just had the insight to rip off the lid before its time   I rode with him in a taxi once  Only for a mile and a half seemed like it took a couple of months Lenny Bruce moved on and like the ones that killed him are gone They said that he was sick 'cause he didn't play by the rules He just showed the wise men of his day to be nothing more than fools They stamped him and they labeled him like they do with pants and shirts He fought a war on a battlefield where every victory hurts       Lenny Bruce was bad he was the brother that you never had Lenny Bruce was bad he was the brother that you never had

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart A, D, Dbm, Bm, E11, E, G, Dm
empty heart empty heart E, B, A, G#m, F#m, G#, F#7, Dbm, F#, C#m
empty heart empty heart Am, C, G, D
empty heart empty heart Am, B, E, C#m, G#m, F#m, A
empty heart empty heart Cmaj7, Dm, G7, G, F, Em, Ebm, C, B, Fm
empty heart empty heart G, Am, C, D, D7
empty heart empty heart G, C, Em, D, Cm
empty heart empty heart G, F, C, D, Em, C/B, Am
empty heart empty heart E, A, D, G, B, C, F, C7, Dm, Bb, Em
La chanson évoque la vie et l’héritage de Lenny Bruce, un comique iconique connu pour son franc-parler et son audace. Même s'il est décédé, son esprit et son message continuent de résonner. Elle décrit un homme qui, bien que considéré comme un hors-la-loi, n’a jamais vraiment enfreint les lois, mais a plutôt illuminé les failles des puissants de son époque. Il est présenté comme un personnage complexe, confronté à ses propres luttes, mais capable d’observer le monde avec un regard critique et une grande sensibilité. Le contexte de la chanson repose sur la lutte pour la vérité et la liberté d'expression, des thèmes qui étaient particulièrement pertinents durant la vie de Bruce, à une époque où les limites de la comédie et de la critique sociale étaient mises à l'épreuve. C'est une ode à ceux qui, comme lui, osent briser les tabous et défier les normes dictées par la société.