
Bob Dylan


Walk down the   / to in every verse [chord] C/B  020010 [Verse 1] Oh there was a wealthy merchant in London he did dwell He had a lovely daughter the truth to you I’ll tell           Oh the truth to you I’ll tell. [Verse 2] She had sweethearts a-plenty and men of high degree There was none but Jackie Frazier her true love e’er to bee             Oh her true lover e’er to be. [Verse 3] "Oh daughter oh daughter your body I will confine If none but Jack the sailor would ever suit your mind              Oh would ever suit your mind. " [Verse 4] "This body you may imprison my heart you can’t confine There’s none but Jack the Sailor would have this heart of mine           Oh would have this heart of mine. " [Verse 5] Now Jackie’s gone a-sailing with trouble on his mind To leave his native country and his darling girl behind            Oh his darling girl behind. [Verse 6] She went into the tailor shop and dressed in men’s array Then she went into a vessel to convey herself away             Oh convey herself away. [Verse 7] "Before you step on board sir your name I’d like to know" She smiled all in her countenance said "They call me Jack-A-Roe"              Oh they call me Jack-A-Roe. [Verse 8] "Your waist is light and slender your fingers neat and small Your cheeks too red and rosy for to face the cannonball"          Oh to face the cannonball. [Verse 9] "I know my waist is slender and my fingers they are small But it would not make me tremble for to see ten thousand fall"           Oh to see ten thousand fall. [Verse 10] The war soon being over they hunted all around Among the dead and dying her darling love she found           Oh her darling love she found. [Verse 11] She picked him up all in her arms and carried him to town And sent for her physician to quickly heal his wounds           Oh to quickly heal his wounds. [Verse 12] This couple they got married so well they did agree This couple they got married so why not you and me             Oh so why not you and me?

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart D, A, F#, a, G, F
empty heart empty heart Eb, Bb, Eb7, Bb7, F
empty heart empty heart Em, B, A
empty heart empty heart B, F#, E, Ebm, G#m, Dbm
empty heart empty heart D, A, A7, G, Db, Bm, E, E7, F#7, G#, B, F#, Em, Bm7
empty heart empty heart Em, D, B, Am, Am7, G, A, C, Em9
empty heart empty heart G, C, D
Cette chanson raconte l'histoire d'une jeune femme, fille d'un riche marchand, qui est profondément amoureuse de Jack, un marin. Malgré les tentatives de son père de la marier à un homme de meilleure condition, elle reste fidèle à son amour. Lorsque Jack part en mer, elle ne peut se résoudre à l'attendre silencieusement et décide de se déguiser en homme pour le retrouver. Au milieu de la guerre, elle le retrouve blessé sur le champ de bataille, le prend dans ses bras et le ramène en ville pour le soigner. Finalement, ils se marient, célébrant leur amour qui triomphe des obstacles. C'est une belle histoire de dévotion, de courage et d'amour sincère.