If You See Her Say Hello Take 1

Bob Dylan


---------------------------------------------------------------------------         If You See Her Say Hello (Take 1) - Bob Dylan --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by: Bob Dylan Reocrded: 1974 From: "More Blood More Tracks - The Bootleg Series Vol. 14" (2018) Tabbed by: maguri Tuning: Open-D --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHORDS                D        0-0-0-0-0-0                  G/B      x-2-0-1-2-0       x-2-0-0-0-3 G6/A     x-0-2-1-2-0       x-0-5-4-3-0 Bm       x-2-0-0-2-0 A/C#     x-4-2-x-x-x       x-4-2-x-x-x G        5-x-0-5-5-0 Dmaj7    0-0-4-3-4-x --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Intro] | | [Verse 1] If you see her say hello she might be in Tangier She left here last early Spring is livin’ there I hear Say for me that I’m all right though new things come and go She might think that I’ve forgotten her don’t tell her it isn’t so            [Verse 2] We had a falling-out like lovers often will And to think of how she left that night it still brings me a chill And though our separation it pierced me to   the heart She still lives inside of me we’ve never been apart [Verse 3] If you’re making love to her kiss her for the Kid Who always has respected her for doing what she did Oh I know it had to be that way it was a-written in   the cards Still the bitter taste still lingers on it all came down so hard   [Verse 4] I see a lot of people   as I make the rounds And I hear her name both here and there as I go from town to town And I’ve never gotten used to it I’ve just learned to turn it off Either I’m too sensitive or else I’m gettin’ soft [Solo] | | / | / | | | | / | | / | | | |    / | | | | | / | | % | [Verse 5] Sundown yellow moon I replay the past I know every scene by heart they all went by so fast If she’s passin’ back this way I’m not that hard to find Tell her she can look me up if she’s got the time [Solo] | | / | / | | | | / | | / | | | |    / | |                   (ritardando)

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart G, D, Em, C, A7, D7, G7
empty heart empty heart E, A, B, G#m, F#m, Dbm, G#7
empty heart empty heart D, A/C#, C, G, Gm, E7, G/A, A, D/A, Eb/G, Bb, E, Ebmaj7, Gmaj7, Em, Em7, A7
empty heart empty heart F, F6, E, A, D, G, B, Bbm/F, C, Fmaj7, Bb, Bbm
empty heart empty heart B, F#, E, Ebm, G#m, Dbm
empty heart empty heart G, C, C/G, A
La chanson évoque le souvenir d'une ex-partenaire avec une profonde mélancolie. Le narrateur lui demande de transmettre ses salutations, lui signifiant qu'il pense encore à elle, malgré leur séparation difficile. Il décrit la douleur de leur rupture, tout en soulignant qu’elle occupe toujours une place importante dans son cœur. Les souvenirs affluent lui rappelant leur passé commun, et il exprime un désir de reconnecter, laissant entrevoir une lueur d'espoir si elle devait repasser dans les parages. Dans ce climat nostalgique, il laisse entendre que, malgré le temps qui passe, il n'a pas pu complètement tourner la page.