He Was a Friend of Mine

Bob Dylan


He was a friend of mine He was a friend of mine Everytime I think about him now Lord I just can't keep from crying Cause he was a friend of mine He died on the road                         He died on the road wellhe never had enough much money To pay his room or his board And he was a friend of mine I stole away and cried                      I stole away and cried Cause I never had too much money And I've never been quite satisfied And he was a friend of mine He never done no wrong                      He never done no wrong A thousand miles from home And he never harmed no one And he was a friend of mine He was a friend of mine                     He was a friend of mine Everytime I hear his name Lord I just can't keep from crying Cause he was a friend of mine

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart A, D, F#m, C
empty heart empty heart A, A4, D/A, E, F, D, D/E, F#m, Dbm, Bm, G#
empty heart empty heart E, A, D, G, B, A5
empty heart empty heart B7, Emaj7, Dbm9, F#m7, E6, Dbm7, F#7, G7, F#m9, F9, E9, E7, Amaj7, Bm7, G#, A, G, G#7, Ebm7, C, B, E, b, Bbm7, A7, G#m7, F7
empty heart empty heart D, G, A7
empty heart empty heart C, F, F/C, C/B, C/A, C/G, Bb, G#6, C/E, G6, G7, C7, G
empty heart empty heart F#m, A, E, Dbm, D
empty heart empty heart A, D, E, E7, Dm, Dbm, B7, Bm
empty heart empty heart Dm, A7, C, G, Bb
Cette chanson évoque la profonde tristesse d'un homme qui perd un ami cher. Il se remémore les moments vécus ensemble et l'impact que cette perte a sur lui. Le narrateur se sent coupable de ne pas avoir réussi à aider son ami, qui a traversé de grandes difficultés financières et a disparu loin de chez lui. La mélancolie se mêle à un hommage sincère, soulignant la bonté de cet ami qui n’a jamais fait de mal à personne et à quel point il comptait pour lui. Les circonstances entourant la mort de cet ami, sur la route et sans ressources, mettent en lumière les luttes invisibles que beaucoup de gens mènent. On sent une profonde émotion face à la cruauté du destin et une réflexion sur la fragilité de la vie.