George Jackson

Bob Dylan


I woke up this morning, There were tears in my bed. They killed a man I really loved, Shot him through the head. Lord, Lord they cut George Jackson down. Lord, Lord they laid him in the ground. Sent him off to prison, For a seventy dollar robbery. Closed the door behind him, And they threw away the key. Lord, Lord they cut George Jackson down. Lord, Lord they laid him in the ground He wouldn't take shit from noone, He wouldn't bow down or kneel. The authorities they hated him, Beacuse he was just too real. Lord Lord so they cut George Jackson down. Lord Lord they laid him in the ground. The prison guards they cursed him, As they watched him from above. But they were frightened of his power, They were scared of his love. Lord, Lord they cut George Jackson down. Lord, Lord they laid him in the ground. Sometimes I think this whole world, Is one big prison yard. Some of us are prisoners, The rest of us are guards. Lord Lord they cut George Jackson down. Lord Lord they laid him in the ground.

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart C, F, G7, C/G
empty heart empty heart B5, E5, B, G#m, E, E7
empty heart empty heart G, Am, D6, Am7, D7, G6, Em, A7, A6, C6, Cm7, Dm/F, E7, G/B, D9, Dm6/F
empty heart empty heart F, C, Dm, Bb, Gm
empty heart empty heart A, D, E
empty heart empty heart D, G/D, G, C, Bm, F#m, Em, A
empty heart empty heart G, Bb, G7, f, C, g, d, D, G/Bb, bb
empty heart empty heart E, A/E, A
La chanson évoque le meurtre tragique de George Jackson, un homme défendu par son ami, qui a été abattu après avoir été emprisonné pour un vol mineur. Les paroles décrivent la douleur et la colère face à l'injustice de sa situation, soulignant la manière dont les autorités le percevaient comme une menace à cause de son courage et de sa détermination. La scène se déroule dans ce qui semble être une réalité où la société est divisée entre les opprimés et ceux qui les gardent, reflétant un sentiment de désespoir face à un système corrompu. Écrite dans un contexte de luttes pour les droits civiques et les prisons, la chanson est un hommage à ceux qui luttent contre l'injustice et qui portent les conséquences de leur bravoure.