Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window?

Bob Dylan


He sits in your room his tomb with a fistful of tacks Preoccupied with his vengeance Cursing the dead that can't answer him back You know that he has no intentions Of looking your way unless it's to say That he needs you to test his inventions Babe come crawl out your window Use your hands and legs it won't ruin you How can you say he will haunt you You can go back to him anytime you want to               He looks so truthful is this how he feels? Trying to peel the moon and expose it With his bussiness like anger and his blood hounds that kneel If he needs a third eye he just grows it He just needs you to talk or to hand him his chalk Or pick it up after he throws it Babe come crawl out your window Use your hands and legs it won't ruin you How can you say he will haunt you You can go back to him anytime you want to               He looks so rightous while your face is so changed As you sit on the box you keep him in While his genocide fools and his friends rearrange The religion of the little tin women That backs up their views but your face is so bruised Come on out the dark is just beginning Babe please come out your window Use your hands and legs it won't ruin you How can you say he will haunt you When you can go back to him anytime you want to You've got a lot of nerve to say you are my friend If you won't come out your window Yes come out your window Come out

Du même artiste :

Dans cette chanson, un homme se trouve dans une situation sombre, enfermé dans sa colère et sa quête de vengeance. Il semble obsédé par des fantômes du passé, accusant ceux qui ne peuvent plus se défendre. Il cherche désespérément l'approbation et l'aide d'un autre, tout en manipulant son environnement pour y trouver un sens. Il invite cette personne à sortir de l'ombre, lui promettant que cette démarche ne lui causera aucun mal. Le contexte évoque des thèmes de luttes internes, de dépendance et de recherche d'identité. L'homme, tout en présentant une façade de sincérité et de droiture, cache une profonde détresse et des conflits non résolus, ceux-ci se reflétant dans la dynamique entre lui et l'autre, qui est piégé dans son influence.