Bob Dylan's Dream

Bob Dylan


While riding on a train going west I fell asleep for to take my rest. I dreamed a dream that made me sad   Concerning myself and the first few friends I had.        With half damp eyes I stared to the room Where my friends and I spent many an afternoon Where we together weathered many a storm   Laughing and singing 'till the early hours of the morn.   By the old wooden stove where our hats were hung Our words were told and our songs were sung; We longed for nothing and were satisfied    Talking and joking about the world outside.     With haunted hearts through the heat and cold We never thought we could get very old We thought we could sit forever in fun      Though our chances really were a million to one.      As easy it was to tell black from white It was all that easy to tell wrong from right; Our choices were few and the thought never hit That the one road we traveled would ever shatter and split.      Ah many a year has passed and gone And many a gamble has been lost and won; And many a road taken by many a friend     And each one of them I've never seen again.       I wish I wish I wish in vain That we could sit simply in that room once again; Ten thousand dollars at the drop of a hat  I'd give it all gladly if our lives could be like that. While riding on a train going west I fell asleep for to take my rest. I dreamed a dream that made me sad   Concerning myself and the first few friends I had    

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empty heart empty heart D, G, D7, A, F#m, Em, A2
empty heart empty heart G, Bm, C, D, C/D, Bm/D
empty heart empty heart Bm, Bm/Bb, Bm/A, Bm/G#, G, Em, D, F#, A, A7
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empty heart empty heart A, G, D/F#, F
empty heart empty heart F, C7, F7, Bb7
La chanson évoque un voyage en train où le narrateur s'endort et se met à rêver de ses amis d'autrefois. Dans ce rêve, il se remémore les moments passés ensemble, éclatants de joie et d'insouciance, se réfugiant autour d'un poêle, partageant des rires, des chansons, sans se soucier du monde extérieur. Cependant, ce souvenir idéal fait aussi naître une mélancolie, car le temps a passé et les chemins pris par chacun les ont éloignés. Le narrateur regrette ces jours simples et souhaiterait ardemment retrouver cette complicité, même au prix de tout ce qu'il a. Cette réflexion sur la nostalgie et l’amitié perdue résonne avec une tendre tristesse.