Black Jack Davey

Bob Dylan


verse 1: Black Jack Davey come ridin’ on back A whistlin’ loud and merry Made the woods around him ring And he charmed the heart of a la--dy Charmed the heart of a la--dy verse 2: How old are you my pretty little miss How old are you my honey? She answered to him with a lovin’ smile "I’ll be sixteen come Sun--day Be sixteen come Sun--day" verse 3: Come and go with me my pretty little miss Come and go with me my honey Take you where the grass grows green You never will want for mon--ey You never will want for mon--ey verse 4: Pull off pull off them high-heeled shoes All made of Spanish leather Get behind me on my horse And we’ll ride off to--gether We’ll both go off to--gether Verse 5: Well she pulled off them high-heeled shoes Made of Spanish Leather Got behind him on his horse And they rode off to--gether They both rode off to--gether Verse 6: At night the boss came home Inquiring about his lady The servant spoke before she thought "She’s been with Black Jack Da--vey Rode off with Black Jack Da--vey" Verse 7: Well saddle for me my coal-black stud He’s speedier than the gray I rode all day and I’ll ride all night And I’ll overtake my la--dy I’ll bring back my la--dy Verse 8: Well he rode all night till the broad daylight Till he came to a river ragin’ And there he spied his darlin’ bride In the arms of Black Jack Da--vey Wrapped up with Black Jack Da--vey Verse 9: Pull off pull off them long blue gloves All made of the finest leather Give to me your lily-white hand And we’ll go home to--gether We’ll both go home to-gether verse 10: Well she pulled off them long blue gloves All made of the finest leather Gave to him her lily-white hand And said goodbye for--ever Bid farewell for--ever verse 11: Would you forsake your house and home Would you forsake your baby? Would you forsake your husband too To go with Black Jack Da--vey Ride off with Black Jack Da--vey? verse 12: Well I’ll forsake my house and home And I’ll forsake my baby I’ll forsake my husband too For the love of Black Jack Da--vey Love my Black Jack Da--vey verse 13: Last night I slept in a feather bed Between my husband and baby Tonight I lay on the river banks In the arms of Black Jack Da--vey Love my Black Jack Da--vey

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart G, Am, C, D, Em7
empty heart empty heart D, A, F#, a, G, F
empty heart empty heart G, G11, C, C11
empty heart empty heart Em7, A7, G
empty heart empty heart G, D, C, Bm, F#m
empty heart empty heart Dm, A7, C, G, Bb
empty heart empty heart F, C7, F7, Bb7
empty heart empty heart C, Am, Em, G
Dans cette chanson, un mystérieux cavalier, séduisant et audacieux, revient à la recherche d'une jeune femme dont il a charmé le cœur. La protagoniste, à peine adolescente, est à l'aube de sa vie d'adulte et rêve de s'échapper avec lui vers une existence pleine de promesses, laissant derrière elle les attentes familiales et la sécurité. Leur évasion prend une tournure tragique lorsque le mari de la jeune fille, inquiet de son départ, s'élance à sa poursuite. Cependant, il découvre qu'elle a choisi de rester avec cet homme, sacrifiant son foyer et sa famille pour vivre cette passion intense mais éphémère. Cette histoire évoque des thèmes de jeunesse, de désirs ardents et des choix difficiles face à l'amour.